Looking Back, Looking Forward

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 1    January 2/2017

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Looking Back

We are thankful that you partnered with us in 2016.  Some highlights for us included:

  • Christmas Eve:  All the chairs were full, including the newly purchased ones, when about 30 people attended the event.
  • Short-term Workers:  Ministry was enhanced as teams helped with children’s camp, Mid-Autumn Festival Outreach, Prayer Events, Christmas Outreach, etc.
  • Safe travels:  God has protected us as we travelled to Canada and as we have visited different places in BC and Alberta.
  • Deepening Commitments:  Individuals made decisions to believe and go deeper in their relationships with Christ.
  • Greater Ownership:  Members of the emerging church accepted responsibility within the church.
  • New Sign:  With gifts from Canada, the typhoon-tattered sign was replaced with a new sign.  The cross and sign are lighted, making it easier for people to find the church building.  (Thanks Edna for the design help!)

Looking Forward

Some of our hopes and prayers for the new year are:

  • Priority:  Keeping Jesus and His kingdom values our focus.
  • Growth:  We are trusting God for new families and new believers becoming a part of the church this year.
  • Pastor:  We are trusting God to lead a Taiwanese pastor to come and shepherd the church, allowing us to move into more of a support role.
  • Car purchase:  Please join us in trusting God for the provision of the funds and for finding a quality used vehicle.  Almost $8,000 still needs to be raised prior to our May 23 return to Taiwan.
  • Short-term Workers:  We are thankful that Calgary Southgate Alliance has agreed to come help with the summer children’s camp.  However, we would like additional people to come for story-telling, prayer, and other special outreaches.  Are you available to come help? 

“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!”  (Jeremiah 32:17)

” We are a family on mission. We believe that people need to hear about Jesus .” (Credit David Hearn)

Lorne and Kathy-Lu