
Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 12    March 20/2017

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry


Do you know which is the world’s third largest pilgrimage?  It is the pilgrimage for Matsu’s birthday.

People will walk, drive, cycle with the image of Matsu for nine days starting at midnight on March 24. The parade route will cover about 330 km, from the main temple in DaJia to a temple just a short distance south of where we live.

Although the parade route is not though our town, it does affect the spiritual atmosphere.  Temples in our town will send troupes to set off fire crackers and participate in the event.  Matsu is one of the main deities worshipped in rural Taiwan.  She is relied on for physical protection.  Hundreds of thousands of people will participate in the long march.  (More information is included in the article from which we borrowed the above photo.)

There are usually Christian believers who seek to talk with people along the route, discussing devotion to Matsu in comparison to a relationship with Jesus. Please pray for boldness in their testimony for Christ.

Please pray for people’s hearts to sense the darkness in this event and be drawn to faith in Jesus Christ.

Prayer Points

  • Praise the Lord that God is using his Word and relationships with other believers to draw people into a deeper relationship with Jesus.  Pray for those considering taking the step of being baptized as a declaration of their faith in Christ.
  • Please pray for Lorne as he does final preparation for a a workshop that will happen April 1.
  • Pray for safety in travel and that the mountain passes will be open (no storms or closures because of avalanche management) as we travel for ministry in Invermere and Calgary.
  • Please continue to pray for a spiritual breakthrough leading to the salvation of many more Taiwanese working class people.

” We are a family on mission. We believe that people need to hear about Jesus .” (Credit David Hearn)