Trust is important to daily life. We trust vehicles to take us, sometimes at high speed, to a desired destination. We trust the city infrastructure to provide water and electrical power. We trust the force of gravity to continue as always, keeping us on the earth and causing things to interact as expected.
In relationships trust is also important. It requires integrity, steadfastness, sincerity, and compassionate kindness. We determine a person’s trustworthiness as we interact with them and as we observe them relating to others. One of our co-workers would frequently state: “Trust is slowly built and quickly broken.”
People watch our lives and determine from what they see whether they can trust us. Please pray that we will live lives that build trust, enabling us to talk with people about God’s love.
Prayer Points
- Promotional materials are being printed for the July 3-7 Elementary Student Camp. Please pray that they will be posted and distributed in ways that attract students to attend.
- New principals will be appointed to two of the elementary schools where we tell Bible stories. Please pray that we will be able to maintain good relationships with the students and teachers.
- Partnerships with Canadian Alliance churches are vital to maintaining prayer and financial support. Please pray for wisdom as leaders of two churches finalize the details of Seamless Link Covenants with us.
- Relational trust is important as we seek to communicate the gospel. Please pray that God will help us to be trustworthy.