God Never Panics
As we have watched the news reports, including social media, we have heard about the danger and the devastation the wildfires are causing in British Columbia. Front line workers know that in order to stay safe such things need to be confronted systematically without panic. Even when the pace at which decisions must be made increases to frantic, we still need to pause and ask the God who never panics for help and for wisdom.
While not on the scale of the wildfires, we also had our moments of potential anxiety this week. The discomfort that Kathy-Lu had been experiencing for a number of days increased to the level of excruciating pain on Thursday. After praying and waiting to see if God was going to do the instantaneous miraculous, we determined that she would not be able to wait for the scheduled doctor appointment on Friday morning. We drove to the emergency department of a nearby hospital (20 minutes).
We were thankful that it was not busy and she got immediate care. After an xray and blood tests they sent her home with medication and the instructions that if it was not better in three days to return again. The diagnosis was gastritis.
As I write this, we are planning for another doctor visit. The pain and discomfort is not at the level that it was last Thursday, but it is still very high.
Please pray for God to heal! Pray for wisdom for us and for the doctors. Pray for an accurate diagnosis if God desires to use the medical establishment to bring the healing.
We found a house to rent!
Thanks for praying. The landlord agreed to accept our request for a lower rent rate than what they were asking.
The house is located about a five-minute walk from the church building. We will not sign the lease until Saturday because when we walked through the unit the landlord noticed some things that needed fixing. They want everything in order before the papers are signed.
They are repairing or replacing some doors that were not working, installing screens on the sliding glass doors on the second and third floors, and purchasing basic kitchen counters, fan hood and a gas cooker. What a blessing that they have been willing to spend about 5 months of rent money to do these improvements. We see God’s hand of blessing in this.
Did you know that financial gifts to our support help to provide the funds to rent our future house? Gifts given to the C&MA that are designated to our support or are designated to the Global Advance Fund make money available for us have these basic necessities. Thank-you for your generosity.