Change the Diagnosis!
Thank-you for praying for Kathy-Lu’s health this last week. God answered your prayers with an adjustment in the diagnosis. The subsequent treatment has produced results and Kathy-Lu is much improved. We will see the doctor for a follow-up visit on Tuesday (25th).
Kathy-Lu still needs your prayers as she continues the recovery process.
Making a House a Home
The lease is signed. We have the keys. Excitement and hope are in the air.
BUT there is a lot of cleaning, some painting, some purchases, and some planning that must happen before we can actually move in. We anticipate that it will take 1-2 weeks for all this to happen. There are a few years of dirt on the floors, walls, and exterior balconies. Some pealing paint will need to be scraped and new paint applied.
Not all of our current furnishings will move to the new house. Some things are needed at the church building and will remain there. That is why air conditioners, a fridge, a clothes washer, and other things will need to be purchased.
These items are considered a personal expense. We are permitted to receive assistance through designated gifts to our Outfit Fund. We appreciate those who have already contributed toward the set-up expenses by donating to our Outfit Fund. It is not too late if you want to contribute. Designated gifts can be given online.
Please join us in praying that this house would become a haven of peace, love and joy.
Thank-you for your generosity! We appreciate you taking precious time to pray for us and the start-up of the church. Thank-you for those who contribute to our support and to our special projects. Without your participation we could not be able to be here telling people about Jesus.