Water, Water, Water

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 29    July 31, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

A Tale of Two Typhoons

Two small typhoons (technically the second is classified as a tropical storm) have rolled through Taiwan.  Our area did not experience much wind, but the fields are all flooded from the rain.  Some areas of Taiwan have had severe flooding.

Moving is our Focus

Our main focus, other than Tuesday and Wednesday, is on moving to our new home.  We are thankful for progress made:

  • air conditioners purchased and installed
  • fridge purchased and delivered
  • hot water heater purchased and installed
  • water purifier purchased and installed
  • leaking water pipe connections related to above two installations have been repaired
  • additional kitchen cabinets purchased and installed
  • help from a friend with the initial cleaning
  • a friend willing to loan us a truck to use on Aug. 5


We think that our new house is likely dry, but we are not sure as we are locked out at the moment.  Maybe water invaded an electrical connection somewhere.  The lock on the screen door is hampering us getting to the locked steel door on the back of the house.  So, we are trying to figure out a solution.

We have a long do list and only a few days to do it.  We are trusting God for endurance and strength.

While we realize that the move needs to be our current focus, in our hearts we want to be engaged in caring for people around us.  It is impossible to do both.  Completing the move and becoming settled in our new home will enable us to put our focus where we would like it to be.

Thank-you for your generosity!  We appreciate you taking precious time to pray for us and the start-up of the church.  Thank-you for those who contribute to our support and to our special projects.  Without your participation we could not be able to be here telling people about Jesus.