Thinking Ahead – Help Wanted

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 33    August 28, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Are you looking for a different job?

We are already thinking and praying about where our missionary coworkers should be assigned when they return from home assignment next summer.  The desire is for them to live and work in Baozhong or a similar area.  Their assignment will be where there are few churches and few Christians.  That is our goal because the C&MA prioritizes going where people need to hear the gospel. Please pray for the decision-making process.

Because Albert and Elaine have young children, and some of our US coworkers do too, a quality option for children’s schooling is needed.

Morrison Academy is prepared to start a Satellite school that will permit students to commute from their nearby homes.  The school would cover grades 1-6 to support our coworkers and other missionary families in the Yunlin and Chiayi areas.  The school is scheduled to be open beginning August, 2018. The search for qualified teachers has begun! Those interested please visit the Morrison Academy Taiwan website for more detailed information. The teaching positions are salaried, so no support raising would be required.

Please pray that the right teachers can be found for this position.


Short-term Worker Positions

.Our team is looking for short-term workers who can come and help with the following.  Write us about ministries that you are interested in joining to get more details:

  • Home School teaching assistant for a middle school student (English curriculum)
  • Church sponsored teams to provide day camps for elementary and middle school students
  • Prayer Workers – Come and pray on-site with insight
  • Children Ministry Workers – telling Bible stories in schools and helping with English instruction, helping with church-related children and youth program
  • Visitation Assistant – Taiwanese-speaking person to go with us when we visit in the community

These are self-funded opportunities where treasures can be stored up in heaven.

Prayer Needed

Sept  5
The feast of the good brothers is a worship ritual to appease ghosts during “Ghost Month.”  Please pray for Christians to be full of peace and have wisdom as they respond to coworkers who pressure them to participate.
Sept 7
Weekly English teaching / Bible Storytelling begins at FuHsing Elementary School