
Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 38   October 2, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Church in the Park

It was a fun-filled time that included some worship.  The weather was fantastic–OK it was a little bit hot but we didn’t need rain umbrellas.

A couple of young boys joined us part way through our service and stayed to play games after.  Their parents were nearby, but did not actively participate.  Kathy-Lu was able to talk with them though.

Our own church members were very positive about the event.  One even asked if we were going to do this monthly.  The answer is:  “Not monthly.  But we would love to have people like you help us plan future ones.  And, we can talk about how often to have similar outdoor services.”

The process of inviting friends also helped us to connect with people in a slightly different way.  Some just may need to be invited multiple times before they will try coming to an event.  But sometimes the invitation is just the icebreaker so that another deeper conversation can occur.  Thanks for praying!

School Ministry is Expanding

Lorne went to Baozhong Primary School to meet with the principal and a Team Leader Teacher.  The result is that he will be telling Bible stories each Thursday morning from 8-8:30 AM.  He will tell the story in English and Pastor Joshua will explain what was said using Mandarin.  We will be in a different class each week, covering all the classes for 3rd-6th grade before Christmas.

We are also excited that some of the Taiwan Alliance Churches are contacting Pastor Joshua to ask about sending short-term teams to help us next year.  We also need short-term workers from Canada.  (Check out our website)

Short-term workers help us in many ways including providing teachers for special events.  Thank-you for praying that the good news about Jesus will be presented clearly and that lives will be transformed because of a relationship with Christ.

Upcoming Things to pray about:

  • Oct 8          John Tolbert Speaking:  “Eternal Life”
  • Oct 15        Lorne speaking:  “The Beatitudes”
  • Oct 21        Denominational Business Meeting