The Focus

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 43   November 13, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Focus on What we are Able to do

We drive a Toyota.  We are content driving the car we have, even Lorne.  But sometimes we like to dream what it would be like to do something different, like drive that car.  What would it feel like?  Would additional driving skills be needed?

Recently we have been praying about how to share the gospel with the seniors in our community. We see their need to know about Jesus and realize the time is limited.  For a number of weeks we were somewhat frustrated as we looked at all the people we could not share with because of the language-cultural barrier.

But as we prayed and asked God what we should do, it seemed like He said: “Focus on those you can communicate with.  Share with those whom you have a common language.  Start with the possible before seeking to do the impossible.”

WOW!  What an important insight.  We need to work hard to share with those we can communicate with.  At the same time we want to study hard to improve our communication abilities so that we can reach even more people.

We are working hard to try and do both!  Language classes and struggling conversations on the street as we try to learn from people around us are helping us slowly develop new communication skills.  And we are doing this while seeking opportunities to connect with those who do understand the Mandarin we speak.  The hope is that God can use us to begin to influence the seniors who have lived a long life without any knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Thanks for praying for us

  1. As we seek to use our current language abilities and our time to share with those within our sphere of influence. 
  2. That God will help us to retain and be able to use the things we learn as we continue to strive to become better equipped for the work God has given us.

Pray with us about upcoming events:

  • 11/15  Baozhong Pastors Prayer Time and Planning for Cooperative Christmas Outreach Events
  • 11/16  Bible Storytelling in two elementary schools
  • 11/19  Pastor Joshua speaking “Prejudice” (James 2)
  • 11/20  Church-Mission Discussions on Potential Locations for new church starts