Have you ever noticed how busy the people in the Christmas story are? Mary is preparing for a wedding. Joseph is trying to get things in order so that he has a life to invite Mary into. People are hurrying to get registered for the census. The shepherds are focussed on their work of caring for the sheep (farmers are always busy).
The arrival of an angel was not very convenient. It was an interruption. The message was one that gave them more to do. But in the case of the three busy people mentioned, they made room in the schedule for God’s plan. They were willing to be obedient.
I trust that even in the busy Christmas Season we will be ready to hear what God says to us and willing to obey. May we never be too busy for God and His plan.
16 Let us, your servants, see you work again;
let our children see your glory.
17 And may the Lord our God show us his approval
and make our efforts successful.
Yes, make our efforts successful! ( Ps 90:16-17 )
Upcoming Christmas Activities Include:
Thank-you for praying as we prepare for each of the following activities:
- 12/23 安養院聖誕節 “Christmas at the Nursing Home” – Desiring to communicate love to those who frequently feel abandoned
- 12/23 Dress Rehearsal for 12/24 Event
- 12/23 Cram School Christmas Party – Telling the Real Christmas Story
- 12/24 Christmas Morning Service
- 12/24 奇妙聖誕節 “A Marvelous Christmas” – jointly sponsored with the Village Gospel Mission Church. It is an afternoon-evening community-oriented event at the local Junior High School. Lorne will speak, Pastor Joshua will give a testimony, and church members will be involved in the Christmas Pageant.
- Thursdays in December Telling the Christmas Story in elementary schools