Merry Christmas!
It is Christmas Day! It is a day that we have been waiting for. Our waiting was not as long as people had been waiting for the first Christmas, but it gives us an idea of what some of them might have felt and experienced. On that first Christmas the very best gift in all of history was received — Jesus Christ the Saviour.
Thank-you for all of your prayers this year. A quick update on some things we asked you to pray about recently:
- Please pray for some people who have attended activities but have family pressure or busy-ness that prevents them from fully committing to Jesus and to the church.
- Please pray for wisdom to know how to help some needy people, helping without hurting.
- Praise the Lord that although our church members are not many, they are active in serving within the church. Pray that God will guard each person’s body, soul and spirit in Christ Jesus.
- Praise the Lord for a good 12/23 Christmas celebration in the Nursing Home. Working together with the staff, we are able to help the people to feel the warmth of love and relationship.
- Praise the Lord for the 12/24 Christmas Eve Event. We estimate that about 100 adults and children attended. The leaders of the two sponsoring churches worked well together to make it happen. Among the attendees there were several who raised a hand indicating they desired to accept Jesus into their lives. Please pray for the Holy Spirit’s continued work of calling forth faith and dependence on Christ.
Wishing you Love, Joy, and Peace!