2018 #16 Walking, Riding Bicycles, Finding Their Way

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 16   April 17, 2018   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

One here, Another There

We first noticed people standing by tables at the side of the road, appearing to be waiting for someone.   As we drove further, we noticed a person walking, and not far behind two more.  As we continued driving, we notice others.  Some were pulling a small cart with a box of belongings. Others were on bicycles.  Occasionally we observed someone on a motorcycle. They all carried a small flag sticking out of their backpack.  To the tip of the flag-stick were attached small rolled yellow papers.

Who are they?  What are they doing?  A quick check confirmed that it is the annual pilgrimage from DaJia to XinGang.  People will walk a minimum of 216 km (round trip) in order to show devotion and make requests of a deity that many worship.  Fishermen, farmers, and ordinary people all pray to Matsu for protection and everyday life needs.

Usually in the past we have seen photos of the crowds that accompany the carved image from the one temple to the other, with many stops along the way.  This is the first time that we have observed individuals on a personal pilgrimage.  They will accept refreshments from people along the way, and will stop at temples where that deity is worshipped for rest and group veneration.

Our hearts are saddened as we see the efforts people will make in order to find peace and security.  They do not know about Jesus.  They do not know about the God who offers grace that includes what they are seeking.

Please pray for the continued proclamation of the gospel throughout the countryside in towns such as Baozhong.

Praying Together

  • Lorne and Pastor Joshua will be meeting to discuss creating a ministry plan for the Baozhong ministry.  Please pray for wisdom and leading from Christ in this endeavor.
  • A church member has suggested that some Middle School boys come and have an English Club at our church on Saturday afternoons.  Parents are being consulted.  We see some benefits, like relationship-building with students and their families.  Please pray for students and parents to have open hearts toward the idea as they are invited.
  • Praise the Lord that the Sunday sharing in Taiwanese was well accepted.  We plan for Pastor Joshua to do this about once per month.
  • Please pray for the breaking down of strongholds so that God’s kingdom can be established in people’s lives and in our town.  We need to have a greater witness for Christ, and for people to choose to make Christ their Saviour.  It will not happen without a spiritual battle.