Honoring Mothers
Believers in Taiwan are encouraged to find ways to honor their parents, especially on special days like Mothers’ Day.
It is difficult for mothers when their children decide to believe in Jesus and make Him their Lord. Relatives frequently view the Christ-follower as abandoning the belief system of the family. Because the folk religion includes beliefs that souls of departed family members are cared for by those still living, older people are filled with fear that no one will provide for them in the next life. They do not know Jesus who stated: “I am going to prepare a place for you.”
- Please pray for Christians who are working hard to help mothers understand that they want to show respect and filial piety in other ways.
- Please pray for Christians who will be making efforts to honor mothers in ways that are acceptable to Christ.
- Please pray that God will work in the mothers’ hearts to help them be willing to listen to the truths about Jesus’ love for them.
Praying Together
- Thank-you for praying for the ongoing planning for the ministry to Vietnamese speaking people in Taiwan. Please pray for the visa application of an international worker couple in the appointment process, planning to arrive in Taiwan in July.
- Praise the Lord that the second “English Conversation Club” went well. The students are having mid-semester exams, so they are under a lot of pressure right now.
- We are looking forward to celebrating Mothers’ Day. Please pray that people who are invited will attend and be open to Jesus working in their lives.
- We are praying for our sending churches, as well as for the church here, that we will have the opportunity to see people make decisions to believe in Jesus as Saviour. Will you trust and pray with us? (Last Sunday at one of our sister churches, two people prayed asking Christ to be their Saviour.)
We send these updates so that you can pray and partner with us.
THANK-YOU for praying, sending words of encouragement, short-term team ministry, and financial support. |