2018 #24

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 24   June 11, 2018   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry 

New Team Members

Over the last number of months, a couple has been preparing to come and join the family of C&MA International workers in Taiwan.

Rev. Chinh and Lieu Truong (Photo) have been officially appointed by the C&MA in Canada as international workers to Taiwan.  They are coming to be a part of the Vietnamese Diaspora Ministry in Taiwan.
Please pray for them as they visit churches, arrange their personal affairs, and wait for the processing of their visa application.  Our hope is that they will be able to arrive in late July.  Pray that Lorne will be able to locate and rent a suitable apartment for them in Taichung.
Please pray for their adjustment to living in Taiwan.  Their daughter will attend high school and will need to make new friends.  Chinh and Lieu will first study Mandarin Chinese so that they can work with Taiwanese Christians to share the gospel with the large number of Vietnamese living in Taiwan.

Additional Prayer Items

Please join us in praying:

  • Please pray that God will use the sharing by  Kelvin Walker and the other events of the annual field conference (June 11-15)to refresh our spirits and minds.  Kathy-Lu will join us on Tuesday.  Please pray that she will be able to overcome the time 15-hour time change and be able to engage in the conference with us.  The conference will also be a time for  the mission family to bless and pray for Thu and Hanh Nguyen who will be leaving Taiwan at the end of August for home assignment and retirement.
  • Please pray for the preparations for our church’s Elementary Summer Camp (July23-25).  A short-term team will be coming from Taipei to assist with the camp.
  • A joint Missions Conference for the three Alliance churches in our area will be held on July 15.  Missionaries sent by Taiwan to the Middle East will be sharing.  The missionaries will also participate in some other activities at our church.  Please pray that God will use this to create a burden for evangelism and for worldwide ministry among the members of the nearby C&MA churches.
  • Please pray for our coworkers, Albert and Elaine Lu, as they spend a busy last month in Canada before their return to Taiwan in early July.  They will need to find a different house to rent before the end of July.  Please pray that God will provide.