Last Week
Highlights from Field Forum include:
- Great times of worship and ministry from Kelvin Walker.
- Excellent child-care for the MKs.
- Kathy-Lu’s safe arrival on Tuesday morning
- Praying for each other and receiving affirmations.
- Safe travel to and from the meeting location
This year the number of participants was smaller. We had opportunity to informally interact with all the other participants.
Additional Prayer Items
Please join us in praying:
- Praise the Lord that the Plum Rain Season has begun, alleviating the drought conditions that were affecting areas of Taiwan.
- Please pray for the preparations for the Elementary Summer Camp (July23-25). A short-term team of 13 people will be coming from Taipei to assist with the camp.
- A joint Missions Conference for the three Alliance churches in our area will be held on July 15. Missionaries sent by Taiwan to the Middle East will be sharing. The missionaries will also participate in other activities at our church. Please pray that God will use this to create a burden for evangelism and for worldwide ministry.
- Please pray for a coworker who needs God to provide relief for a painful physical condition.
- Please pray for wisdom as we schedule summer ministry commitments and determine the focus of the next preaching series.