2018 #27

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 27   July 2, 2018   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry 

Happy Canada Day!

July 1 with its holiday weekend is a time when we reflect on the blessings that come with living in such a great land.  If Canada can be such a great place, just think what Heaven will be like!  We are privileged to call Canada our home.  Wishing you all a great time of celebrating God’s goodness in placing you in such a great nation.

Who is Welcome?

I consider us to be hospitable people. We welcome people, even those we meet for the first time. However, when a slithery snake was spotted coming out of the storm drain in front of our house, we were glad the door was firmly shut. The neighbours and emergency services helped to insure he does not return.

There is a night-time thief that has visited some homes in our town (not our house). Thankfully no one has been injured. People have recovered some of the stolen items, and some people have installed their security systems on their homes. I must admit that is another visitor for which our welcome mat is not being rolled out.

However, the two unwelcome visitors do not cause us to stop being hospitable. In fact, we are thankful for each additional contact we have with those in our neighbourhood. We have something they do no yet possess. We are excited that God is allowing us to use hospitality and friendship to reach out and tell people who live near us about Jesus.

Additional Prayer Items

Please join us in praying:

  • Please pray for the preparations for the Elementary Summer Camp (July 23-25).  A short-term team of 13 people will be coming from Taipei to assist with the camp.
  • The English Conversation Club will watch a movie on July 14.  Parents have been invited to join the junior high school students for that day.
  • A joint Missions Conference for the three Alliance churches in our area will be held on July 15.  Missionaries sent by Taiwan to the Middle East will be sharing.  The missionaries will also participate in other activities at our church.  Please pray that God will use this to create a burden for evangelism and for worldwide ministry.
National Ministry Centre News
For those who wish to know, the C&MA in Canada National Ministry Centre has relocated to 7560 Airport Road, Unit 10, Mississauga, ON  L4T 4H4.  All other contact information remains the same.