Keeping the Purpose in Mind
Recently Lorne has been supervising the building renovations and managing the budget related to that. Because the steel security door is badly rusted, but has now become a part of the indoor space, we determined that it would be wise to paint it. But that meant grinding off the rust first, creating billows of dusty particles. So, Pastor Joshua with a little help from Lorne has been cleaning, and cleaning some more.
It would be easy to make completing the renovations our focus right now. Without a general contractor to supervise, there are many things to manage. But on Sunday Nov. 3, we were reminded why we are doing the renovations. We had 13 adults and 11 children attend our Sunday morning service and Sunday School.
The above photo was taken before church started, so a number of people had not yet arrived. (Yes it happens that way here too.) Although the building needs are currently taking effort and time, the reason we are doing it is to provide a place to worship Christ, to tell others about Christ.
Please Keep Praying
Please continue to pray for God to make a way for wives to overcome obstacles to attend church services and Bible studies. We are catching glimpses that God is starting to answer your prayers. We have seen people come who have not been permitted to do so in the past. We don’t know if it is a one-time occurrence or a newly-gained freedom. So keep praying!
More Prayer Items
- Monday, Nov 5, Lieu will pick up her visa to return to Taiwan. We will not know until they what type of visa has been granted. Please pray for the remaining process needed for her to obtain her resident card.
- Planning for the Baozhong Christmas Outreach continues. Job assignments have been given. We have confirmed that we may use the local junior high school activity center. Participants are being requested to act in the skit or do other things. Please pray for wisdom in all the preparations.
- We are thankful for a week of vacation. We will “unplug” from the regular routine and do some things for relaxation and renewing our energy. This may mean a delay in us responding to your emails and social media messages.