2018 #46

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 46   November 12, 2018   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry 

A Creative Solution?

We don’t have much to report this week as we were on vacation for the past week.  We accomplished some tasks around the house and had some relaxing outings.  It feels good to have made some progress on those tasks.

The pollution levels were particularly bad last week, with warnings about outdoor activities.  As we drove toward the the coast, Kathy-Lu saw the wind turbines.  Her idea was to re-purpose them, turning them to blow the pollution away from us.   We had a chuckle and hopefully you will too.

Prayer Items

  • Lieu returned to Taiwan on November 7.  She applied to have her  tourist visa changed to a resident visa.  The application was accepted, but because it had been too long since her medical that needs to be done again.  We are seeing the answers to your many prayers and have hearts filled with hope!
  • Melody Truong is on a Missions Trip with some students from her school.  The MK school has sent out a number of teams that will be ministering in neighboring countries this week. Please pray for safety and for God to use the students’ experiences to deepen their faith.
  • Planning for the Baozhong Christmas Outreach.  If you have graphic design skills, and have some time to assist in designing a poster, please let us know.  We would love to have some help.  (Chinese language skills are needed.)
  • There are chairs to purchase and some painting to be done to finish the church renovations.  Pray for wisdom as we do the final steps in enhancing our worship center.