Put On Christ
Our friends have returned to Taiwan from the US and are living in the traditional house inherited from his mother. As is typical in homes here, there was an altar for traditional worship with a picture of the traditional god. Being Christ-followers, living in the house with this constant veneration of other deities bothered them. Their solution was to hang the picture seen above that reminds them that they have put off old ways and put on the new creation provided by Christ. (Gal. 3:27)
Romans 13:14 “Let every part of you belong to the Lord Jesus Christ. Do not allow your weak thoughts to lead you into sinful actions.”
Let’s pray that God will help us along with Taiwanese believers to live out the truth of these verses.
Praise and Prayer
- Please pray for the teaching of Biblical truths to help people believe and become more like Christ.
- Our friend requests that God will help her husband to find freedom from alcoholism. Pray that their young daughter will be safe.
- Thursday (Feb 28) is the Peace Memorial Holiday. Pray that Taiwanese will find peace in Christ.