2019 April 15

Wishing You Resurrection Joy!

“Jesus is risen!”  When those words were first spoken they created hope mixed with confusion.  Jesus’ followers did not know whether it was true or an elaborate hoax.  They did not know whether to be excited or terrified.

Today we have the advantage of looking back on the many ways the message was verified as being true.  Many of us have personally experienced the joy that a relationship with the Risen Christ brings.

That is why we wish you Resurrection Joy as we celebrate Easter this year!

Good News!

Since our report last week Warren returned to hospital.  Because of the additional care, he is much improved.  Lorne was able to accompany Albert on a visit to see him last Saturday.  We are continuing to pray, as we care for Warren, May and their daughter Una.


Our Easter Week

Mon (15)  Kathy-Lu and Lorne went exploring on their day off!
Tue (16) Painting the future church nursery; Prayer Meeting
Wed (17) Helping a colleague shop for a car, etc.
Thu (18)  Storytelling at Baozhong Primary School
Fri (19) Joint Good Friday Service with other C&MA churches
Sat (20) Preparation for the Easter Distribution
Sun (21) Distributing Eggs and tracts followed by our Easter Celebration