2019 April 29

Did Someone Call for Help?

The request for faster internet at our home resulted in four trucks arriving from the phone company so that they could pull a new line from the junction box to our house.  Who would have thought that a simple call for help would result in 7 workers arriving to solve the problem.  However the worker who was responsible for the final connecting of the modem was unaware that the wires were already in place.  He considered the request to hookup my internet to be an impossible request.  Then I was able to tell him that the preparations had all been made to meet his need (and my need too).

Salvation is like that.  People who have never heard of grace do not know that the provision was made by Jesus.  Many still think they need to do the impossible and might need multiple lives to achieve it.  But what Jesus did at Calvary is enough to provide for their salvation and ours too!

 “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.  Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.” (Eph. 2:8-9)

Prayer Needs

  • Please pray for Lorne’s Dad who is in hospital.  Please pray that God will help the doctors discover the cause and potential solutions to give him relief from pain.
  • Please pray for Warren.  He is recovering quickly from his surgery.  He has agreed to take classes to prepare for baptism.  We are concerned that he needs additional support around him for when he is released from hospital.  Please pray that God will supply and that Warren will be willing to receive help.
  • Praise the Lord a car is available for us to use in August.  We are still asking God to supply a car to borrow in Calgary in July.  Please pray for God’s provision.
  • Last Sunday we attended the memorial service for Bonnie McGill.  She chose to live with joy and transitioned to see her Saviour in the same way.  Her husband is the Superintendent of Morrison Academy where our MKs attend school  Please pray for God’s ongoing comfort.