2019 June 24


Today we want you to pray for church leaders.  The photo shows pastors (some with wives) who attended the recent Strategy Meetings.  (There were some who were unable to attend this year.)  They are called by God to shepherd His church during this generation.

Some are tired.  Some are seeking new vision and direction.  Others are rejoicing in what God is doing while still seeking more.

Please pray for the Spirit’s empowering as they work together and serve the Body of Christ.

Praise and Prayer

  • This past week has included moments of weakness (while we were sick) and moments of great effort as we anticipate summer needs.  We are praising God that His grace is sufficient for every circumstance.
  • Please pray for healing as Lorne’s Dad recovers from surgery.  Pray for hope, even during painful moments.
  • As the date of Elyssa (our daughter) and Carl’s wedding approaches, there have been more frequent calls.  We are pleased to report that planning is going well.  We will be with them in early July.