2020 #50 Dec 21


As we told the second part of the Christmas story in the classroom this past week, we had fun watching the students.  One young boy, who was hearing the story for the first time, had exclamations of surprise.  During the discussion after the story, Pastor Joshua asked the students about the reason for celebrating Christmas.  The answer in all three classes was “to get presents.”  It was an excellent opportunity to talk about Jesus being God’s present to mankind.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will help them understand and receive God’s most precious gift.

If you have a few minutes, why not write and tell us what someone’s response was when you talked with them about the Christmas story.  We’d love to hear!

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for students to register for the new set of ukulele classes that are scheduled to start January 16.
  • Please pray for the Christmas Carolling at the night market on Christmas Eve.  Our church will be joined by the Village Gospel Mission Church for this event.  A bag with candy and a tract will be given to people who stop by to listen.
  • We praise the Lord for faithful supporters  like you.  Your sacrificial giving means there are sufficient funds to pay all the bills.  Because you gave, people have heard about God’s love.  There is still time for a year-end gift if you are able.  Please designate it to the Global Advance Fund.  Donations as we finish the year will help support the sending of new workers to places around the world in early 2021.