2021 Update #16 April 19

It Was Found!

The Taiwanese man thought it was lost forever.  He dropped his iPhone into the lake while paddle boarding.  A year later, because of the current drought, the phone has  been found.  And, after charging, it works! (Story and photo credit)

We all like to read stories like that.  We like to hear of people finding blessing and lost things being found.  It encourages us to have hope.

This news report has made me wonder which stories Jesus would tell if He came and lived with us in this day and age.  Would He still tell the story of the discovery of the perfect pearl?  Would he tell people about the workman discovering the treasure in the field?  Would he tell the stories of the lost sheep and the lost coin?  Or, would He choose another object that present-day people value?

Jesus told those stories to help people see the importance that God places on saving the individual.  He used the stories to communicate people’s need to pursue eternal life.  Please pray with us that as people hear Jesus’s stories, they will understand the value of the life Jesus offers.  Please pray that the Taiwanese working class people will come to experience the life that Jesus offers.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for God to send rain to Taiwan to relieve the drought.  Pray that He will do it in a way that will show the rain is from Him, not because of someone praying to one of the local gods.
  • Praise the Lord that our new bookkeeper is doing well during the training.  Pray for her as she will attempt to do this month’s books on her own, without being told what to do each step of the way.  We are confident that God will help her to succeed.
  • Praise the Lord that we were able to give an Indonesian Bible to Annie.  Pray that her limited Chinese, and limited English, will not stop her from discovering her need for faith in Christ.