2022 #6 Feb 7


In a local store recently, and saw this aisle.  The bins have been set on the shelves as placeholders.  At some future time, maybe today or another day, the bins will be removed and replaced with items available for purchase.

It is not just stores that use placeholders.  We use them in our lives too.  We don’t like the feeling of emptiness, so we fill in the emptiness with a substitute.

2 Chronicles 12 tells the story of brass shields being substituted for gold ones.  The king did not want the reminder of what was lacking–the close relationship with God and a prosperity that could be his.

In other places in Scripture people substituted rules, or treaties and relationships to fill a sense of lack in their lives.  It may even be a human trend to do so. We substitute other things for what God wants to give us.

Please pray for the Christians in Canada, Taiwan, and worldwide, that we will allow God by the work of the Holy Spirit give us His genuine blessings that are ours in Christ.  May we not be willing to settle for placeholders.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray that “Gene” will follow through on his decision to receive counselling and help for dealing with his addictions. He has said he is willing to go to the treatment center on Tuesday.
  • Pray for Gene’s family to have open hearts to hear and understand the gospel as it is shared with them.
  • Please pray Rev. Silas Yang, President of the Taiwan C&MA, as he is in hospital  recovering from emergency medical treatment.  Pray for God’s healing touch.  Pray for his family and his church family to be filled with faith and trust in God during this time.