November 7 #44

Staying Attached

Passing this farmer’s field, the pomelo are visible growing on the tree.  They grow and ripen attached to the tree.  Under the tree, not visible in the photo, some fruit was lying on the ground.  It was no longer connected to the tree.  It will not continue to grow.  If left there it will begin to decay.

Life is like that too.  Jesus explained the necessity of staying attached to Him as the source of life (John 15). We stay connected through personal habits of Bible reading and prayer.  We also stay attached to Him as we gather with other believers for worship, celebration, teaching, fellowship, and service.  All of these habits contribute to producing a healthy balanced Christian life.

Please pray for those who are disconnected due to their failure to create and maintain these habits.  Pray that they will be strengthened in Christ and will stay attached to Him as the source of their spiritual life.

Praise and Prayer

  • We will be on vacation as you read this.  Please pray that we will find refreshment in our change of activities.
  • Planning for Winter Camp during the Lunar New Year vacation is happening. Please pray for the short-term team as they prepare and for the arrangements that are being made here in Baozhong. Please pray that we will do things in ways that bring honour to Christ.
  • For a variety of reasons, Sunday School students have become irregular in attendance. Some weeks there are no children to teach.  Please pray that teachers will not become discouraged, but will continue to be diligent in preparation.