2023 #26 June 26


A recent letter to pastors of Alliance churches in Taiwan mentioned that many are tired. They feel that it is a challenging time to do pastoral work. Some are discouraged.

Here are some ideas of how you can pray for Taiwan’s pastors (and your own pastors):

  • Pray they will walk closely with Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit .
  • Pray they will have insight and wisdom as they apply Scriptural truth to their own lives and the lives of people to whom they minister.
  • Pray that God will give them creativity and resilience as they communicate at a time when society is pursuing values that clash with God’s Word.
  • Pray they will have a good work–sabbath balance in their lives.
  • Pray they will see evidence of God establishing the work of their hands and that God will give them fruit for their labours.
  • Pray they will hear encouragement and words of affirmation, not words of criticism only.
  • Pray they will be refreshed during the summer months when the church ministry rhythms are slightly different than the rest of the year.

Thank-you for praying for those who serve as pastors in God’s kingdom.

Praise and Prayer

  • A well known sect is sending groups of people to our town on a weekly basis. They are trying to pressure people to become followers so that a local chapter of their group can be started in our town. Some of our friends are frustrated by the pressure being put on them. It is culturally hard to refuse hospitality to visitors from outside our town. Please pray that people will sense the lack of light in what is being presented. Pray they will not be deceived into accepting a belief system that is contrary to Scripture. 
  • Please pray for final preparations for Camp (July 12-14) and for those who are travelling to help as leaders.  We will also spend time with the team from Heritage Alliance Church, introducing them them to Taiwan’s culture and our ministry.