Yes, We are in Canada

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 4    January 23/2017

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Yes, We are in Canada

We have recently been told that some of our readers are confused.  They are wondering where we are.  The truth is that we are living in Canada, based out of Abbotsord BC.

We are available to meet people for meals, drink coffee, or to share at groups and churches.  We are doing this because it is our calling, our job.  But more important, we are doing it because we are sent by the Canadian churches to help us all obey Christ Jesus’ command to proclaim the good news of the gospel.  We are in this together.

We will be here until May 22.  That is our scheduled return date.  We are planning (Lord willing) to return to Baozhong.

We will celebrate the Lunar New Year in Canada with our children who live in Calgary.  We are taking advantage of the time before and after the Holy Spirit Encounter to visit Lorne’s Dad and our Alberta-based children.

Holy Spirit Encounter

As a couple, one of our desires for 2017 is to experience more in our relationship with Christ Jesus.  We want to be teachable so that we can learn to hear Him better, obey Him better, and serve Him more joyfully.

With that in mind, we will be attending the Holy Spirit Encounter.  Will you pray that as we listen to the teaching, and spend time seeking God, that we will take another step forward toward our expressed goal?

Thank-you to those who covenant to pray for us in this way on Wednesday and Thursday of this week.

Who we are
” We are a family on mission. We believe that people need to hear about Jesus .” (Credit David Hearn)

Lorne and Kathy-Lu