Doing Missions the Alliance Way

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 8    February 20/2017

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry


As my body has been recovering from jetlag, I have been very aware that the craving for sleep in the evenings has been very difficult to overcome.  It has made me think of some of the other things that I either crave or avoid.

March 1 begins the Season of Lent.  I will be thinking more this week if I will be taking a fast from something in my life so that I can prepare for Easter and so that I can follow after God more passionately.  Perhaps you would like to consider that too.  A blog entry shared by a friend explains one potential motivation.

Let’s go deeper with Jesus, further in Mission.

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Thank-you for all who pray that the Good News about Jesus will be taken to all nations.  And, thank-you for those who provide the resources to accomplish the task.

” We are a family on mission. We believe that people need to hear about Jesus .” (Credit David Hearn)