Fellowship is More than Food

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 11    March 13/2017

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry


We have just returned home after a weekend away and ministry at Victoria Chinese Alliance Church.  Their hospitality was wonderful.  It included some very tasty food.  But at some point in the weekend I heard someone mention that fellowship is more than eating together.

That got me thinking.  Fellowship includes sharing the “joy stories.”  One such story we heard was how God supplied the comfortable bed that we slept on.  They were prepared to purchase one, and God supplied one, delivered to where it was needed, at no cost.

Fellowship is also walking together during the difficult times.  We saw church members supporting someone whose spouse is in a coma, continuing to pray and ask God for a miracle.

And fellowship includes sharing the story of how God works in our lives.  Those things encourage the one sharing and also the one listening.

Yes, the food tasted great!  But the fellowship was sweeter.  We thank God for experiences such as this during our home assignment year.

Prayer Points

  • Praise the Lord that through reading God’s Word a Baozhong believer realized that God was displeased with some things related to worship of false gods in his house.  The items were removed and destroyed.  A cross hangs on the wall now, reminding them that they believe in Christ.
  • Please pray for comfort for the parents and siblings of the newborn, Benjamin, mentioned last week.  His heart and lungs were not strong enough, and Jesus took him to heaven.  Please pray for comfort during this time of grieving their loss.
  • Please pray for Lorne as he prepares to teach a workshop at the end of the month.
  • Please continue to pray for a spiritual breakthrough leading to the salvation of many more Taiwanese working class people.

” We are a family on mission. We believe that people need to hear about Jesus .” (Credit David Hearn)