1. Storm Report
Did you see news reports of the monsoon rain storm that has battered Taiwan for the past few days? It was called a “rain bomb” or sometimes just “torrential rain.” Some people say it was the worst rain storm in more than 20 years. There were some spectacular thunder storms!
- We are OK. Our home did not have flooding.
- One of the believers from church was not able to come to service yesterday because the area where his car was parked flooded. The car was towed to a mechanic and he will find out later today what repairs are necessary.
- School facilities experienced flooding, requiring pumping the water.
- Massive damage has been done to crops–perhaps close to $1 million (CAD) nation-wide.
- When the fields were full of water, the drains backed up into some people’s homes and into barns. We heard reports of pigs briefly swimming inside the barn in close to 3 feet of water. small animals and snakes entered houses. One of our friends said they took refuge on her bed.
- The water has started receding, and less is falling so far today.
- Please pray that we will be able to avoid purchasing a flood-damaged vehicle as we continue to shop for a quality used car.
2. When God Answers Prayer
The men of our church have been praying that God would bring more people into our church. And God has been answering those prayers, although maybe not in the way we thought He would.
An Indonesian Christian has started attending. (She also speaks English and a small amount of Chinese.) Yesterday a Vietnamese care worker was brought to our church. (She has very limited Chinese.) Jordan is from Ghana, speaking English and some Chinese. So adding these to the Canadians and the Taiwanese, we were a very international fellowship.
We have Bibles and a limited amount of other literature in the other languages. Please pray that God will give wisdom to be able to communicate well across linguistic barriers.
3. Why Go to the Countryside?
Taiwan is a country of small businesses. Because they are family-run and open 7-days a week, it is difficult for people to have access to the Gospel. Many smaller rural communities do not have a church. So we are going to where they live.
Please pray that God will prepare peoples’ hearts to receive the good news about Jesus’ love and grace.
Thank-you for partnering with us through prayer, finances, and short-term teams to accomplish this task. Your gifts to Global Advance Fund make efforts like these possible.