
Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 23    June 19, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry


This past Sunday Lorne shared from John 15.  Jesus is the True Vine.  Relationship with Jesus is the foundation of a healthy Christian life.

But relationships with people are also important.  Sitting and drinking tea with the opportunity to talk about all sorts of topics is part of the way that business transactions are handled.  While visiting with the auto insurance agent before selecting coverage, I was able to share some of the gospel because he had seen a billboard with our C&MA logo on it.  He was curious what the “wine glass” (actually a laver for washing) and the “milk pitcher” (actually an oil pitcher) signified.

Relationships are also built as people cook and eat together.  Albert and Elaine hosted the crowd pictured above to help us to connect with some people they know.  It was a very successful, boisterous evening.

Other conversations and situations  create unique opportunities to talk about the source of our “abundant life.”

Please pray that God would help us to use such conversations to share the good news of the gospel with other people.

Prayer Points

These are some of the things that are happening in our lives that you can remember in your prayers:

  • Praise the Lord for a comfortable car to drive.  The paperwork was processed more quickly than anticipated and we have been using the car for several days.
  • Taiwan continues to experience extremely heavy monsoon rains.  There are several more days of torrential rain being predicted for this week.
  • The C&MA international workers from North America and Australia are meeting for the annual Field Forum (Field Conference).  This is designed to be a time of renewal, fellowship, and strategy discussions.  Pray for all who will travel to and from the conference.
  • Next weekend will be busy!  We will have less preparation time and will be leading the following events.
    • Friday evening Men’s Bible Study
    • Saturday afternoon Children’s ministry
    • Sunday morning Service followed by a meal and a church farewell for the Lu Family.

Thanks for standing with us in prayer.
Thanks for your partnership!  We appreciate each and every one of you!