Looking For A Lost Lamb

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 34   September 4, 2017   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry

Looking for a Lost Lamb

Thursday afternoon (Sept 7) will be the first weekly opportunity to volunteer at FuHsing Elementary School.  This semester we will be telling some stories that Jesus told.  Our first story will be the story of the shepherd going to find the lost lamb.

It is a story that affirms God’s love for each of us.  Please pray that the children will grow in their knowledge of Jesus and in the experience of that love.

We are trusting the Good Shepherd to find lost lambs and bring them back to His Father’s flock.

A Not Very Exciting Prayer Request

Financial resources are needed to take the good news about Jesus to people who have not yet heard.  The estimates of what will be needed in the 2018 fiscal year are due this week.  Please pray that the final information Lorne is seeking will be submitted so that he can submit the request for resources to leadership.

Thank-you for your prayers for God to supply the needed resources through the giving to the Global Advance Fund.  That is our main source of funding for overseas work.

 Scheduled Happenings

Sept 6 2018 Budget Projections Due
Sept 7 Weekly English teaching / Bible Storytelling begins at FuHsing Elementary School
Oct 1 Outdoor service – A chance to invite friends to attend church outside of the building walls