To Whom Should We Go?
Every day we make choices about with whom we talk and with whom we spend time.
Last Saturday we went with Pastor Joshua to the local SanHo Nursing Home. The care facility has a new person operating it. Although he has implemented changes, we are still welcome to go monthly to share and sing. A god-shelf has been placed in the reception area, displaying the images of a number of local gods. God arranged for the one used by the previous owner to be removed. It is possible for Him to do that again. Let’s make that a prayer request. We want that home to be a place where people can meet Jesus rather than continue in the bondage of the local religious practices.
Although age frequently causes people to become more set in their ways, we cannot neglect them because we assume they will not adopt new ideas. God loves the elderly. Please pray that God would use the music and the messages shared by Pastor Joshua to help them discover truths they do not yet know. Please pray that they will come to faith in Jesus.
Some of the caregivers at the home are Vietnamese. We are hoping that we can make contact with them at the beginning of October when our Vietnamese-speaking missionary colleagues (John and Bev Tolbert) visit us in Baozhong. Please pray that God will arrange divine appointments for that time.
News from the last week
Thanks for praying. The information Lorne was waiting for arrived and he was able to submit the 2018 budget request on time.
Thanks for remembering our teaching in your prayers. We had a good start to teaching at Fuhsing Elementary School. This week the story will be another of the stories that Jesus told.
We received an invitation to help with English storytelling at the larger Baozhong Primary School. Because of a number of pressing matters, we have asked to meet with the school representative at the end of the month. We are feeling somewhat overwhelmed with all the different responsibilities we currently have. We need wisdom from above to know how God wants us to respond to this request.
Sept 14
Weekly English teaching / Bible Storytelling at FuHsing Elementary School
Oct 1
Outdoor service – A chance to invite friends to attend church outside of the building walls
Oct 21
Denominational Business Meeting