How long do you need?
Preparing for a sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount, Lorne looked at what happened in the previous four chapters of Matthew’s gospel. One of the things Matthew records is a day in the life of Jesus. Jesus noticed some fisherman, spent a day with them, and then called them to be disciples (fishers of men). He stepped into their world and through the process of relationship led them to belief.
This affirms the value of spending time with people as part of the process of sharing the good news of the gospel with them. Giving people access to the gospel is why we live and serve.
Please pray that those with whom we spend time will have open hearts to hear about Jesus and be willing to believe in Him.
Community Events
Last Sunday the Baozhong community responded to the request to donate blood. They set a record for the amount of blood donated at an event in Baozhong. They are trying to save lives. Our hope is that they will one day know that Jesus also donated His blood to save people from their sins.
On Wednesday we went out for lunch with the teaching staff of Fuhsing Elementary School (photo). After visiting over a meal we went with them to learn about Agarwood. It is the “diamond” of hardwoods used in incense-making, carving, etc. The prices were beyond our ability, but our knowledge has been expanded. More importantly we were able to spend time with this group of people.
Community events such as these provide opportunities to spend time with friends. We believe that doing life together is one of the things that God uses to bring people to belief in Jesus