Today we went to Taipei on the Bullet Train. On some sections of the track it can travel over 300 km/hr. Riding the train allows us to arrive much more quickly than if we drove the car, took a bus, or rode the regular train.
We live at a time when we like fast internet and LTE for connecting to the World Wide Web. Google maps helps us select the fastest route to our destination. We may have even bent the speedometer needle a little when we were running behind. We microwave foods, buy pre-prepared food, and occasionally eat fast food.
In the fast pace of life, God says: “Be still and know I am God.” He asks us to wait for Him. He asks us to exercise patience.
That brings us back to the trip that was made today. Leaders from the Mission were meeting with Church Leaders to discuss our dreams, our plans, and our cooperation in starting new churches.
We wish we could report that Baozhong Alliance Church and the work to start other churches is nearing completion. But truthfully it is not. It is moving forward much slower than the high speed rail train.
Although we recognize that truth, we are also discussing potential locations where God may want the Alliance to start churches in the future. Population size and density, number of existing churches, schools and other features of the community are just some of the things being researched. And there is some listening prayer happening.
The process is not as fast as the train or the hot car mentioned in last week’s update. But it is something we are talking to God about. We are trying to determine how fast God is walking as we seek to follow Him.
Please pray for us as we observe the need of unreached people and look at the resources that God is providing. Pray that we will know the mind of Christ.