2018 #35

Mondays with the Whites 
Volume 35   August 27, 2018   

Taiwan – Hidden in Plain Sight Ministry 

Good-byes are not Easy

After more than 10 years in Taiwan, Thu and Hanh Nguyen will be returning to Canada for deputation and retirement.  The Vietnamese people in Taiwan have a special place in their hearts.

Sunday afternoon, August 26, the Agape Alliance Church (that they helped to start) threw a party.  The building was full of people who love them, including both church members and many coworkers who have served with them during their time in Taiwan.

We were privileged to attend the party and watch them pass the baton to others who will continue the ministry to Vietnamese people living in Taiwan.


Sometimes surprises are good.  We had a total of 19 people at church Sunday morning.  The building is almost full.   Please pray with us as we investigate ways to stay at our current location but expand our meeting area.  (Stay tuned for more updates in a few weeks.)

However surprises are not always what we want.  Lorne awoke Sunday morning to see that his eye is infected and the area around the eye was swelling.  At the end of the day, after ministry commitments were completed, he went to emergency at a large hospital in Taichung.  He was able to see the doctor and receive medication in less than one hour.  Please pray for less discomfort and for complete healing.

Prayer Updates and Requests

  • The Baozhong Ministry Team meetings last Wednesday-Thursday went well.  Thank-you for praying.  Please pray for us as we move forward with the plans that were made.
  • We were unable to obtain the needed document for Lieu’s visa application last Thursday.  However, the office provided clear step-by-step instructions of how to proceed so that we can be successful on our next attempt.  Please pray that we will be able to complete the process quickly and efficiently.
  • Praise the Lord that the Truongs are settling into Taiwan life.  They started language study classes on Monday, August 27.  Please pray for God to help them.
  • The son of one of our church families has indicated a desire to express his faith in Christ through baptism.  Please pray for him as he invites friends and extended family to come and witness the event.  It will be a part of our Sunday morning service on September 9.
  • The church is planning a BBQ for September 15.  We will be inviting many friends from the community to join us for an early Mid-Autumn Festival celebration.  Please pray that God will help us deepen relationships and have opportunities to share with each other so that we can follow Christ together.