We turned the page on the calendar a couple days ago, but did anything change in our lives?
Last week for us was a time for recalibrating. It was the end of summer and Fall activities are ready to begin. But are we ready?
Because of the eye infection mentioned last week, Lorne was forced to slow down and to pass some commitments off to other people. After three doctor visits in one week, all to different doctors, we are happy to report that the infection is healed. But the real question is: “What in our schedule needs to be recalibrated so that it does not return?” This is something that is being contemplated.
We said our final good-byes at the airport, Thu and Hanh have officially departed for ministry in Canada. This means our responsibility toward the Vietnamese ministry transition has shifted to mostly helping the newly arrived coworkers, Chinh and Lieu. The adjustment is being made.
There is a new academic director at the elementary school where we teach English and tell Bible stories. The expectations on us have been expressed a different way. Working with different people requires communication and some changes. We are pleased to report that we are able to continue this ministry. We have also confirmed that the school will welcome a short term team from Victoria Chinese Alliance Church in January 2019 for a week of “Winter Camp.”
The speed of life is not constant. Sometimes we need to slow down and recalibrate so that we are ready for what is coming next. You’ve just heard how we are doing that. What about you? How do you recalibrate? How do you stay healthy in the midst of new competing time demands?
Story Planning
Each Thursday afternoon, for this semester, we will have an opportunity to tell stories about Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to the 52 students at Fuhsing Elementary School. The first class is September 6.
Who among our prayer supporters will commit themselves to pray for us each Thursday from now until the end of January? Please write and let us know.
More Prayer Updates and Requests
- Sometimes Taiwanese Christians have little say in funeral arrangements for loved family members. Keeping one’s Christian testimony while still honouring the one who has passed can be difficult. Please pray for three families associated with the church who are grieving the recent passing of a family member. The baptismal service previously scheduled for September 9 has been postponed because of these situations.
- The process of obtaining necessary documents for Lieu’s visa continues. Please pray that God will help us to accomplish the visa application process prior to the end of October.
- The church is planning a BBQ for September 15. We will be inviting many friends from the community to join us for an early Mid-Autumn Festival celebration. Please pray for us as we need to make many planning decisions this week.