2019 April 2

Prayer is Foundational

Last week our schedule reflected the value we put on prayer.

  • Prayer with the Short Term Team early in the week
  • Travel to Taichung on Friday to pray with the Alliance pastors from Central Taiwan
  • Prayer with Canadian Alliance International Workers on Saturday morning
  • AND, we are writing to you to ask that you will join us in praying

Why is prayer so important?  We value it because the God who hears us has power and a willingness to answer prayer.  No matter where we are we can pray for workers to be sent.  We can pray that those who lack access to hear the gospel may finally hear.  We pray for open hearts ready to receive the gospel message.

We frequently bring seemingly impossible situations to God, with as much faith as we can muster, and wait to see what He does.  And He is faithful to answer!

Thank-you for being a part of the prayer team!

An Answer to Our Prayers

We have been praying for Warren.  His situation seemed hopeless, but we prayed asking God to give him another opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

His aunt took his clothes from the hospital and went to inquire of her god on Warren’s behalf.  The answer was that he would die the following day.

HOWEVER, our God holds the keys of life and death.  Warren has now been released from hospital, needing a lower level of care as his recovery continues.  He will receive the needed care at the nursing home right here in Baozhong.

We are praising God for this miracle, and are praying that Warren will surrender his life to Christ.  God has the power to set him free from his alcoholism.

Praise and Prayer

  • Taiwanese people have already begun the annual task of tending the graves of departed family members.  The official Tomb Sweeping Day is on April 5.  Many Christians will face pressure to participate in ancestor worship, and endure outbursts of anger when they refuse.  Please pray for understanding conversations that honour God as Christ-followers talk about such matters with their relatives.