Evaluating Choices
Travelling through the airport in Taipei last week, I was able to capture the above photo. There are three different religions offering the opportunity to pray. Each has its own prayer room because what is being offered is actually quite different.
Many people we interact with believe that all religions serve a common purpose and lead to a similar destination. However, our investigation would indicate that statement is less than accurate. There are differences.
We affirm individuals and even families to make choice about their beliefs, but we also believe that everyone should have the opportunity to hear about the choice to believe in Christ. That is why we are committed to providing access to the gospel. Last night we talked with a taxi driver and shared that we believe people need more than a set of rules to obey. Rules are easily broken. Rather we need a relationship with a God who loves us and wants us to respond to Him in love. That is the path to having a transformed life.
Please join us in praying for the people you and I meet. May we be courageous to take opportunities to provide people with access to Christ.
Praise and Prayer
- Thank-you for praying as we attended the Grip-Birkman Basic Coach Training.
- Please Pray for Charlie, as he is returning to former habits. Please pray that Christ would help him break free from his bondage to alcohol.
- Please pray that the efforts of the government will be successful in containing the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
- Elementary, junior high, and high school students return to class tomorrow (Feb 25). We have been asked to wait until March 5 to begin teaching in the elementary schools.