2021 Update #22 May 30

Prayer Answered, More Needed

  1. Thank-you for praying for us as we taught online for the first time last Thursday.  It went well enough that we have agreed to do it three more times!  [June 3, 10, 17]   We will tell the stories of (1) The Rich Fool; (2) The Lost Sheep; (3) Zacchaeus.  It will also give us opportunity to say “virtual” good-byes to our students.
  2. We are required to teach online classes from home because some local residents tested positive for Covid-19.  In addition, there is a sharp decrease in the number of people on the streets, and we see less people visiting with each other.  Like you, we are faced with the challenge of relationships without face-to-face meeting.  Please pray as we figure this out for both ourselves and for helping others to do so.
  3. The first of the Spring Plum Rains came on Sunday (5/24) and light showers are continuing as I type this update.  The heaviest rain did not fall near the reservoirs, but hearing the thunder and seeing the wet roads definitely raised our spirits.  The forecast is for more rain next weekend.  Please join us in asking God for more rain.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the technology cooperated for our online service yesterday.  Pray for Pastor Joshua as he explores additional ways to improve the quality of our broadcast.
  • With indoor gatherings limited to a maximum of four people, we are needing to adjust the number of people involved in producing our online services.  Pray for those who are serving God in this way to be Holy Spirit-filled as they talk to the camera lens.
  • We are actively looking for housing in the Abbotsford-Aldergrove areas.  Please pray that we will find a suitable two-bedroom unit to rent for while we are on home assignment.