2021 Update #30 July 26

Both – And

Because the Lord has been giving the Taiwanese success in fighting the virus, the number of daily new infections has been decreasing.  So the soft lockdown protocols are being adjusted.  This will permit indoor gatherings of up to 50 people, and outdoor gatherings of up to 100 people.  That means that a small church like Baozhong Alliance Church is able to once again meet for Sunday services starting next Sunday.

However, like in North America, not everyone is ready to return to indoor in-person services.  Therefore the decision has been made to continue live broadcasts in addition to the services at the church building.  The photo is our pastor’s wife leading the worship singing this past Sunday.

There were problems with the newly-installed internet and there were sound quality difficulties yesterday.  Please pray that these can be resolved for future weeks.

Praise and Prayer

  • We’re free from quarantine!  Our first days have been filled with caring for our granddaughters.  We are working on various items that could could not accomplished while in quarantine.
  • We made an agreement to purchase a car, and hope to pick it up on Tuesday (tomorrow).  Thank-you for praying about this.
  • Please pray for Silas Yang, the president of the C&MA in Taiwan.  His weekly duties now include contacting government offices to determine how the latest soft lockdown measures are going to be enforced.  He must advise all the churches so that our Christian testimony is protected.  In addition to his denominational leadership duties, he is the lead pastor of a church.  Pray for him to have wisdom and grace as he navigates this challenging time.