2025 Posting #04 – 27 Jan

Lunar New Year

The Lunar New Year celebration will occur this week. Tuesday is New Year’s Eve and Wednesday is Lunar New Year’s Day. It is traditional each year to have two or three days after those two days as national holidays. This year the day prior to New Year’s Eve has been designated as an additional holiday, giving the whole week off of work.

For many people,  this is the only break from work that they will take each year. However, those in the hospitality industry and the transportation industry will still be working. It will be the busiest time of the year for them.

We will spend Monday and Tuesday doing some “spring cleaning” and catching up on work that was set aside during camp. The photo is of one of the blessing posters we will post by our front door on Tuesday.

We plan to spend time Wednesday through Saturday preparing for upcoming ministry commitments.

Camp Report

The Deep Sea Camp finished last Friday. We had more than 20 campers attend each day. Everyone appeared to have fun and we hope they learned a few things. Highlights included:

  • The campers learned songs with actions and performed well at the closing program.
  • The games were a favorite of many of the campers.
  • Daily reminding them of the “Golden Rule” and prayer support meant that there were fewer interventions (to correct behaviour) than we remember in past camps.
  • We completed the camp without sickness or injury.

Thank-you for praying!

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for a successful camp. Please pray that the campers will remember the stories and will desire to make Christ their best friend.
  • Praise the Lord for safety on busy roads when transporting the team to the airport last Saturday.
  • Please pray for Christ-followers to be salt and light as they spend time with family and friends during the Lunar New Year holidays. Pray that they will take the peace of Christ with them into all situations.
  • Please pray for those who are missing a family member who passed away in the last year. The loss will be acutely felt at this time of traditional family gathering.