October 10 #40

Double Ten

What a special Monday!

Not only is it Thanksgiving Day in Canada, it is also Taiwan’s National Day. (The number ten when written in Chinese looks like a plus sign.  So the above photo is the Taiwan flag blended with the “Double Ten.”)

For a brief history of Canadian Thanksgiving Day, click here.

For a brief history of the Republic of China (known better as Taiwan) click here.

There are so many reasons, both big and small, to give thanks to God.  We have heard of God protecting family members, participated in the baby dedication for Pastor Joshua and Ilaine’s son, observed children learning about God in Sunday School, and much more.

Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Double Ten Day Taiwan!

Praise and Prayer

  • The contract for the purchase of the church van will be signed on Thursday.  Please pray for Pastor Joshua who will make a quick round trip to Taipei that day in order to return to help with the Homework Club.
  • The Canadian Thanksgiving celebration at our house has been scaled back as one family is in Covid-related quarantine and the wife of another couple needed emergency eye surgery to repair a detached retina.  So we will miss those who cannot come while celebrating with thanks with those who can.
  • Please pray for good weather and that friends will be willing to join us for the “outdoor service” on October 23.

October 3 #39

Celebration Time

Last month we shared with you a dream of having a van to transport children to and from the Homework Club.  One month after the decision to raise funds for the purchase of a vehicle, we want to share with you that the fundraising goal has been reached.  The church is ready to purchase the van!

This seems miraculous.  We appreciate the generosity of donors who gave to this project. And mostly, we thank God for His provision.

There were donors in Taiwan.  But it was the generosity of our Canadian partners that helped us to quickly reach the giving goal and see the dream come true.  Thank-you so very much!

Please rejoice with us!
We hope to be able to show you a photo of the purchased van sometime later this month.

Praise and Prayer

  • Pastor Joshua and his family will begin experiencing home life with a newborn baby.  Ilaine and baby 李昊 (John) will come home on Wednesday.  Please pray for them as they adjust.
  • The Canadians on our Taiwan Team are preparing to celebrate Thanksgiving together.  We are excited to be able to see some people we have not seen for some time.
  • The “outdoor service” on October 23 is an opportunity to invite people to come to a church event.  Our church along with three nearby Alliance churches will worship, eat a special lunch, and visit a tourism farm.  We are praying for good weather and that friends will be willing to join us.

September 26 #38

News Updates

We thought we would use this week’s email to bring you updates on what has been happening:

  • Kathy-Lu had three students in Sunday School yesterday.  None were familiar with Jesus, nor the Bible.  Please pray that they will continue to come and will bring others.
  • The Homework Club began meeting and the first week went well.  Each day, in addition to homework and entertaining themselves in a safe environment, they read the Bible and pray together.  We are expecting nine students this week.
  • Because our pastor’s wife recently gave birth to their second child, we will be helping to watch their daughter during Homework Club times this week.  (She is 2 1/2 years old and would be a distraction to the students.)
  • Yesterday, the third C&MA church work in Yunlin County celebrated the installation of their Taiwanese pastor as the  lead pastor. (Photo Above)  We were able to attend the service of thanksgiving at Sihhu Alliance Church.  Please pray for our Taiwanese pastors as they give leadership to small and growing churches.
  • Although we have reconnected with some friends, there are still others in the community with whom we want to spend time.  Please pray that God will mesh our schedules so that can happen.
  • Our recently arrived co-workers are rejoicing that they received their resident certificates, driver licenses, and made progress on other fronts too.  Join us in praising God with them.  Please pray for their daughters who are adjusting to new schooling situations.

Praise and Prayer

  • Pray for the Homework Club students to understand and internalize the truths they are reading in God’s Word.
  • Communication is very important.  Please pray for healthy, understandable interaction with leaders, between co-workers, and with those with whom we are desiring to share the good news about Jesus.
  • Pray for receptive hearts as we invite friends to attend the “outdoor service” on October 23.  Three nearby Alliance churches will join with us as we worship, eat a special lunch, and visit a nearby tourism farm.  We are praying for good weather and that friends will be willing to join us for that day.

September 19 #37


Over the last two days, Taiwan has experienced two earthquakes over magnitude 6 and many smaller aftershocks.  (We are all OK! There is property damage on the other side of the island, some injured people, but no reports of loss of life. News Report)

Kathy-Lu was telling me that the Bible memory verse  she chose as a part of the Sunday School lesson was Psalm 62:2. How appropriate for Kathy-Lu to memorize that verse in her preparation for teaching, learning it before these earthquakes, right?

Unfortunately, the students were all unable to attend on Sunday.  She has arranged to teach the lesson that she prepared next Sunday.

Will you pray that the students will attend, and learn about the value of building their lives on the Rock vs building on sandy soil?

Praise and Prayer

  • Homework Club starts meeting on Tuesday, Sept 20.  Pray that healthy routines will be established and for trust relationships to be formed.
  • Adjusting hopes and expectations as we deal with the unexpected is a part of life.  Sunday (Sept 18) was an example of that:  (1) Pastor Joshua preached as the guest speaker could not come; (2) Kathy-Lu did not teach because students were all absent; (3) The congregational meeting did not have a quorum so alternate methods of decision-making are being used.  Join us in praising the God who does not change for extending grace and helping us to adapt our plans for the unexpected.

September 12 #36

Homework Club

The Baozhong Alliance Church after school program for elementary students will begin on September 20.  It will be Tuesday through Friday each week.  Currently, eight eager elementary students are registered.

Most days, the students will be picked up from school at 4 PM ( the time that school is dismissed).  On Wednesdays, the students have early dismissal requiring them to be picked up at 1 PM.  Each day they will be driven to the church building where they will receive a snack and will have a place to do homework.  The supervisor, usually Pastor Joshua, will provide help and will also have reading or other activities for the students after their homework is completed.  Parents and guardians will pick the children up from the church building at 6 PM.

The plan is to have monthly meals with the families of the registered students and one recreational outing every three months or so.  Eating together and doing activities together are important for building relationships in Taiwanese culture.

The costs of the “Homework Club” will be subsidized by the church budget.

The church board last week approved fundraising for the purchase of a church van that can be used for transporting the students from the school and for outings that will be planned.  The estimated cost of a dependable used or new vehicle is $400-700,000 New Taiwan Dollars.  That is $18-31,000 Canadian dollars.  Local Taiwan donors have already contributed about CAD$5,000.

Please pray for this ministry:

  1. Pray for safety as students are transported and supervised each day.
  2. Pray for relationships to develop between Pastor Joshua and the families of the students who are registered.
  3. Pray that the love of Christ will be evident as the students are cared for.
  4. Pray that the needed funds for the purchase of the van will be donated.

Praise and Prayer

  • Kathy-Lu will be helping to provide snacks for the Homework Club students two days each week.  Pray that she will find creative snacks the children will enjoy.
  • Praise the Lord that Pastor Joshua and his wife Ilaine welcomed a son into their family last Wednesday.
  • Please pray for Ilaine as she recovers and “sits the month” at a center that provides for mothers who have given birth.
  • Please pray for Kathy-Lu as she prepares for teaching Sunday School on September 18.  Reading the Chinese teaching resources and planning how to communicate in simple ways that children understand can be challenging.

September 5 #35

We are…

Riding an escalator at Costco last week, I noticed the pattern on the shirt of the person in front of me.  It repeatedly said: “We are romance.”

After seeing that, I began to reflect about what others observe about our identity,  Advertising experts will tell you one goal of advertising is to insure that “who we are is who people say we are.”  If there is a mismatch, we need to find ways to communicate who we truly are.

So as people look at me (us), would they see me (us) as:

  • a disciple (follower and imitator of Christ)?  [Acts 11:26]
  • the salt of the earth?  [Matt. 5:13]
  • the light of the world?  [Matt. 5:14]
  • having love as the foundation of life? [Eph. 3:17-19]
  • a bringer of hope? [Rom. 15:13]

The above list is not complete.  But as we are aware of who God says we are, we are better equipped to serve others.

Please pray that God will use our Christ-likeness to help others discover relationship with Jesus.

Praise and Prayer

  • The “Homework Club” has eight students registered.  A maximum of two more will be accepted.  Kathy-Lu will be helping to provide snacks for the students two days each week.  We hope to share more about this ministry next week.
  • Wes and Nancy, with their two daughters, arrived safely.  Please pray for them as they adjust to the heat and humidity of Taiwan.  Wes started language classes today.
  • Please pray for the Alliance Church pastors in Taiwan.  The monthly letter from the C&MA President has challenged them to find the right rest-work balance.  Pray that God will provide encouragement and energy for every aspect of life and ministry.

August 29 #34

Husk Removal

In a town just north of us, I noticed a rice husking factory. After harvesting and drying the rice, it needs the husk removed before it is ready for milling or eating. The husk is something attached to the exterior of the kernel of rice.  It is not edible.  It is not considered to be useful.

Yesterday Lorne preached from Joshua 7-8.  Joshua and the people had a heart for God.  However because sin became attached, removal was needed.  It did not need a husking factory, but rather the grace of forgiveness that comes from God.

The searching and purifying work of God is something we all need.  May God help us to welcome Him to do that in our lives on a regular basis.  Perhaps this week, as we prepare to celebrate Communion next Sunday, is a good time to ask Him to do it again.

Praise and Prayer

  • The “Homework Club” has four registrations, and two more students interested.  Praise the Lord for those who have already registered.  Let’s join together and ask for more students.
  • This will be a busy week or two as we welcome Wes and Nancy to Taiwan. They will need help as they apply for resident certificates, Taiwan driver licenses, and locate items they need to purchase.  Please pray for them and those who will be helping them with the various tasks.  May we all be the light of Christ as we do those necessary tasks.

August 22 #33


The countdown has started.  It is just over a week until our new coworkers arrive.  And, in case you have not figured it out, we are EXCITED!

  • Please pray for them as they accomplish last minute packing and other tasks.
  • Pray that their moments of saying goodbye to family and friends will be affirming and energizing as they set out on their new adventures.
  • Pray for enjoyment in their travels with two young daughters.
  • Pray that God will provide help at the airport to make the process of navigating health checks and customs go smoothly.
  • Pray for safety as they travel by van (about 3 hours) to their new home.
  • Pray they will be able to overcome jetlag during their quarantine and self-monitoring period (one week).
  • Pray for ability to learn language and to appreciate culture differences.
  • Pray for a fruitful ministry as they represent God on this island that is so far from where they have been living.

Praise and Prayer

  • The “Homework Club” banner has been hung in front of the church building.  Please pray for parents and guardians to register their students.

August 15 #32


We joined about 600 people at the “Large Hand Holding Small Hand” event sponsored by the Town Hall.  It is an annual 2 km walk.  As the name suggests, it is a parent-child activity, but everyone is welcomed to  participate. The challenge was to be ready to start at 6:30 AM–to avoid the heat expected later in the day. The crowd set off, following the sign so that everyone would know the route to walk.  Having two stamps on you card indicates that you completed the course. A box of snacks was given to each successful participant.

Jesus also asked people to follow him.  His call was much more personal.  The rewards to following Jesus are also better than those offered to us last Saturday.  Our hope is that we can invite many people to join us in following Jesus.

Praise and Prayer

  • Six students and some family members attended the Ukulele Recital during our Sunday church service.  Please pray that God will help people remember and think about what they saw and heard during the service.
  • Prayer and discernment continues as we consider how we will use our time for the building of God’s kingdom in our area.
  • Pastor Joshua is hoping to start the “Homework Club” on September 20.  Please pray for him as he works on publicity, and the registering of interested students.

August 8 #31

Happy Father’s Day!

Today, Monday August 8, is the day that Taiwan celebrates fathers.  The reason is that the number eight, when repeated for the 8th day of the 8th month, sounds like the word “Baba” (which is the equivalent of the English “Daddy.”

So Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers.

Regional Tensions

Taiwan has been in the news the past week and will likely continue to be until the middle of the month.  The regime near us is protesting the high profile visit of an American politician to meet with leaders of Taiwan.  The resulting military maneuvers are forming a partial blockade around our island home.

We are being watchful, but at the moment staying in place appears to be the wisest decision.  We are in regular contact with our Canadian mission leadership so that decisions can be made quickly if needed.

As this is all happening, much of life is going on as normal,  People continue to go to school and work, and events at church or in the community are still being held.  At this moment, there is a recognition that the number of threats has increased, but there is nothing for the average citizen to do at this point.

Public opinion is divided here.  Some heartily support the visit that triggered this situation.  Others are unable to see that benefits outweigh the consequences.

We are concerned for the farmers, especially some of the poorer families in our area.  China is refusing agricultural shipments from Taiwan.  This will affect the income of those growing that produce.  May God watch over and bring justice to those unfairly suffering because of the politics of the situation.

Thank-you for praying for safety and that God will use this regional tension to turn hearts toward Him.

Praise and Prayer

  • We are still waiting to hear news about Wes and Nancy’s visa application.  Please continue to pray and ask God for it to be granted.
  • Lorne’s computer is repaired at no expense, even though it is well past the warrantee period.  Praise the Lord!
  • Prayer and discernment continues as we consider how we will use our time for the building of God’s kingdom in our area.
  • Pastor Joshua is hoping to start the “Homework Club” in early September.  Please pray for him as he works on the plans.