2022 #4 Jan 24

Discerning our Assignment

The conversation with leadership will begin this week.

The topic is our work assignment when we return to Taiwan.

When Joshua was receiving his work assignment from Moses, the words of Deuteronomy 31:8 were given to Him.  We believe they are also true for us as we think about where we will locate and what our ministry focus will be.

Thank-you for praying for us as we prayerfully listen to field leadership and together discern God’s direction in this matter.

Praise and Prayer

  • Taiwan C&MA pastors and missionaries along with their families will gather January 24-26 for the Lunar New Year Banquet and a retreat.  This is a much anticipated event. Last year’s was cancelled.  Please pray for encouraging fellowship for those able to attend.
  • Tensions between Taiwan and Mainland China have resulted in ongoing “grey warfare.”  In addition to the conflict of words, there are frequent military incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone.  Please pray for God to intervene and bring peace to the region.

2022 #3 Jan 17

Taiwan Population

The Taiwan government statistics tell us that at the end of last month there were 23,375,314 people on an island the size of Vancouver Island.  There are more women than men, with 50.5% of the population being female.  On average there are 646 people per square kilometer in Taiwan.

Taiwan is a constitutional democracy that guarantees freedom of religion.  As a result, there are 26 recognized religious groups, Buddhism being the largest (35.1%).  Taoism, is the second largest at 33%.  This is followed by Christianity (both Roman Catholic and Protestant) at 3.9% and YiGuanDao (The Way Of Unity) at 3.5%.  Similar to North America, the number of people declaring to be non-religious is increasing and is reported to be 18.7%.

There are many people with whom we want to share the good news about Christ.  They cannot decide to accept or reject peace with God if they have not heard.

Thank-you for supporting the efforts to share Christ with Taiwanese people who have not yet heard.

Praise and Prayer

People in Taiwan are preparing for the Lunar New Year celebrations.  Chinese New Years Day is on February 1 this year.  Please pray for brothers and sisters in Christ as they prepare to spend extended time with relatives, many who do not have a similar relationship with God.  May God give courage to believers to testify about their hope in Christ. May God prepare the hearts of family members to be willing to hear about Jesus.

2022 #2 Jan 10

Taiwan COVID Update

We recognize that most of you, like us, do not want to read more information about COVID-19 and the resulting regulations.  However, we are frequently asked about the situation in Taiwan, so we will briefly mention it this week.

Level 2 epidemic prevention measures have been extended for another two weeks.  This means wearing masks and limiting of numbers of people for indoor and outdoor activities.  More details are below.

We’d like to suggest that as you experience restrictions and inconvenience in your life due to the most recent regulations, why not use it as a prayer reminder.  Some suggestions of how to pray are that:

  • God will protect people living in situations where hygiene is not a priority and where infection transmissions are occurring.
  • God will provide wisdom and creativity so that the good news about Jesus can continue to be communicated during the time of epidemic protocols.
  • God will help believers to be compassionate and to have hope when those around them may be struggling.

Details (Summarized for those who are interested)

The Level 2 Restrictions have been extended until January 24.  That means:

  • Facemasks must be worn when outside one’s own home.  Exceptions will be made for exercising, singing, taking photos, livestreaming, filming, moderating an event, reporting news, delivering remarks, giving a speech, lecturing, or during activities or events involving conversations with others.
  • Commercial business venues and public venue (including transportation) must collect contact information of attendees, temperature measurement, enhanced disinfection of environments, health management among staff members, and timely responses to the occurrence of confirmed cases.
  • Stores, supermarkets, and markets must limit numbers so that a distance of at least 1.5 meters per person (2.25 square meters per person) is maintained indoors and a distance of at least 1 meter per person (1 square meter per person) is required outdoors; food sampling is not allowed.
  • Dining venues should collect contact information of staff and customers, take temperatures, provide hand washing and disinfection equipment; toasting each table is not allowed at banquets.
  • People are not be required to wear a mask, but should carry a mask when
    • working outdoors in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and animal husbandry sectors.
    • hiking or on a beach and social distancing can be maintained.
    • doing activities at hot/cold springs, water recreation, spas, steam rooms, etc. where masks can easily get wet.
    • consuming food and beverages
  • Masks can be temporarily removed while performing in a show, participating in athletic events, news broadcasters being filmed, etc. if all other relevant epidemic prevention measures are being followed.

Praise and Prayer

  • Baozhong Alliance Church is planning for Ukulele Classes for elementary students to begin after the Lunar New Year.  They are looking for an instructor for the class.  Please pray that God will provide.

2022 #1 Jan 3

The Great Cover-up

We had snow for Christmas!  God created beauty as some of the dirtiness of our environment was covered with snow.  There was a freshness in the air.  Activities not done for many years (snow shoveling, watching grandchildren sledding, driving in snow, etc.) created new memories.  It seemed as if we were living in a different world, a new place.

As so often happens, reality has struck.  We have experienced some warming temperatures and even some rain. Patches of grass and other sights hidden for a few days are becoming visible.  The piles of snow from driveway shoveling are decreasing in height.  The sense of living in a new place, a new time is disappearing.  The sense of freshness was only temporary.

Something similar is likely to happen with the new year.  We have many hopes and dreams.  Yet, just a few days in, many of the familiar things are reappearing.  Are we able to continue to do things differently?  How long will it last?  Will it be temporary like the snow that covered  things for a few days.

God has promised to make all things new.  We experience that now as we believe in Him, but there is also a future not-yet-experienced aspect to what has been promised.  Will this be the year that we will experience that?  Will this be the year that Christ returns as King?

There are some things from the way life is that we cannot change.  At the same time, we can choose to focus on that which is important.  Jesus said: “the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come.”

Let’s pray for that to happen.  Let’s find ways to facilitate that happening in 2022.  Will this be the year when many Taiwanese hear the gospel and choose to believe?

Prayer Initiative

Thank-you to those who are participating in the prayer initiative that started January 1.  We encourage you to make a three-week commitment to pray that people who have not heard and and experienced life with Christ to discover a purposeful life in Christ.  If you would like to join in, click here and receive the daily email with the prayer guides.

Praise and Prayer

  • The number of participants in the Baozhong Alliance Church Christmas events was less than we hoped.  The events did provide a connection with some people who had not attended church services recently.  Please pray that relationships with those people will deepen.  Pray that God will use what was heard at Christmas as a foundation for a closer walk with Him.
  • The leadership of the Baozhong Alliance Church is encouraging members to share prayer needs and participate in praying this year.  Please pray that they will be filled with faith to ask God for good things and that they will see answers to prayer this year.  

Update # 49 December 20, 2021

From Our House to Yours

From Us to You

Grace and Peace from God our Father

And From Our Lord Jesus Christ

Merry Christmas!

Praise and Prayer

  • Christmas Day will be the third of the Baozhong Alliance Church Christmas parent-child outreach events.  It will include a program and a meal.  Pray that both students and their parents will be attracted to learn more about the meaning of the Christmas story.  
  • We pray that you will be filled with peace, regardless of environmental circumstances, as you celebrate Christmas this year.  (Our next newsletter will be in the new year.)

Update # 48 December 13, 2021

21 Days of Praying

We are inviting you to join with others who will be praying for initiatives by Alliance Canada workers to provide people access to Jesus.

We are excited to invite you to begin 2022, by joining together in a 21-day prayer and fasting journey as we cry out to the Lord on behalf of the peoples of the world that are not yet reached with the gospel. Global Ministries has selected 21 of the many people groups that our movement longs to bring access to Jesus and to see God‘s Spirit poured out upon. We invite you to join us in praying blessings upon peoples in our world to have opportunity to encounter the gift of hope found in Jesus in this season.

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? Romans 10:14-15a

Our prayer journey is planned to start on January 2nd and conclude on the 22nd. Each day we will be highlighting and praying for a different Least Reached People Group that we long to see God move amongst. You can expect to receive a daily email that will include a prayer of blessing to pray followed by further information regarding the people group. We are also planning a final Global Prayer Room gathering on January 25th to join together in praise and worship of our God and His work to be accomplished among these people.

Would you consider launching your new year by joining together in this time of drawing near to God through prayer and fasting, as we cry out on behalf of the nations!

Praise and Prayer

  • The second of the Baozhong Alliance Church Christmas events will be held on Satruday, December 18. Please pray that the weather and other things will not prevent people from attending.  Pray that both students and their parents will be drawn to want to learn more about the meaning of the Christmas story.
  • The China-Taiwan tensions are in the news.  Finding a solution seems improbable without Divine intervention.  Please pray for believers to be filled with faith in God.  Pray that many others will hear and desire relationship with the Prince of Peace. 

Update # 47 December 6, 2021


At church yesterday we sang the Christmas carol “Hark the Herald Angels Sing.”

The original words were written in 1739 by Charles Wesley.  Those words do not include a reference to angels.  Rather, the first line of this famous song was: “Hark! How all the welkin rings!” The melody was a solemn tune that was sung slowly.

In case you are wondering, “welkin” is an Old English word that means clouds or heavens.  In a general sense it refers to the sky. It drives home the point that it was not just a small choir of angels making the announcement to the shepherds.  All of creation joined in declaring the Saviour was born.

It was George Whitefield who changed the lyrics to refer to mention the angels singing.  The familiar melody was adopted about 100 years after the hymn was originally written.

Which version do you prefer – “welkin” or “angels”?
Are there other Christmas traditions that have an interesting origin?  Feel free to share it with us.

Praise and Prayer

  • The first of the Baozhong Alliance Church Christmas events will be held on Saturday, December 11. Please pray that the weather and other things will not prevent people from attending.  Pray that both students and their parents will be drawn to want to learn more about the meaning of the Christmas story.
  • Praise the Lord that the flood waters in Abbotsford are receding.  Many people are discovering whether they have a salvageable house, farm, business, etc. Pray for these families as they grieve their losses and make plans for how to move forward with their lives.  Pray for favor to obtain insurance and relief funds to pay for the needed repairs.

Update # 46 November 29, 2021


Yesterday was the first Sunday of the Advent Season.  As the Advent Wreath candle was set alight our focus was on hope.

People hope for many different outcomes.  The citizens of Jerusalem at the time of Jesus were hoping for independence from Roman rule. Some people, like Anna and Simeon, were almost living at the Temple and daily prayed for the Messiah to come.  It seemed as if God had been silent for about 400 years.  Yet there were people who continued to have hope that they would see the fulfillment of God’s promises, words God had spoken many hundreds of years before.

Today we hope for freedom of religious expression.  We hope for the rain and flooding to stop.  We hope for recovery for the loved one who is suffering from illness. We hope to celebrate an occasion with family and friends.  We hope. We hope.  We hope.

Hope is unusual in that it has a connection to the past, is felt in the present, and usually refers to a happening in the future.  For those of us who believe the God of the Bible, the ultimate hope is in the Second Advent.  At that time, Jesus Christ will return in glory and power.  He will vanquish sin, darkness, and death allowing those who believe in Him to experience life as it was originally created to be.

But there is one more hope that is close to our hearts.  It is the hope that, before the Second Advent, people living in Taiwan and other distant places will hear about the First Advent.  They need to be told that Jesus came from heaven to save people from their sins.  They need to be told that it is possible to live life in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit.  They need to have access to this good news.

Thank-you for praying.
Thank-you for giving.
Thank-you for being personally involved.
Your investment is helping many more people to obtain hope.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the river dikes in Abbotsford have been fortified.  We are praying that the repairs will hold as an abundance of rain continues to fall.  Pray for the Samaritan’s Purse volunteers assisting in the clean-up and rebuilding process.
  • The Baozhong Alliance Church is hoping for 4-6 families to register to participate in the Christmas events.  So far, one family has indicated they want to attend,  Please pray that others will desire to be a part of the event.

Update # 45 November 22, 2021


Sometimes life events remind us about God’s Word.

On our trip to the Comox Valley this past weekend we saw bald eagles at different times.  It made me think about Bible verses that refer to eagles.  The eagle is mentioned by name 32 times in Scripture.

Most of us are familiar with the promise of renewal in Isaiah 40:31

But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.


Some may also remember the eagle being a symbol of salvation and protection in Revelation 12:14

But she was given two wings like those of a great eagle so she could fly
to the place prepared for her in the wilderness. There she would be
cared for and protected from the dragon for a time, times, and half a time

A similar metaphor about the eagle is found in Exodus 19:4.

But frequently in Scripture, the eagle symbolizes the judgement that God sends.  One example is Ezekiel 17:12.

Say to these rebels of Israel: Don’t you understand the meaning
of this riddle of the eagles? The king of Babylon came to Jerusalem,
took away her king and princes, and brought them to Babylon


What things in life remind you of the Bible’s teaching?  Feel free to write and share with us when this has happened to you.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the flooding in Abbotsford is abating.  Pray for people who experienced huge losses because of this disaster.  Pray for those assisting in the rebuilding process.
  • Praise the Lord that we were able to travel to the Comox Valley this past weekend.  We enjoyed the fellowship and the times that people shared with us examples of how God is working.
  • Some of our readers will be celebrating American Thanksgiving Day this week.  Pray God’s blessing on them.  And, even better, join them in giving thanks to God.

Update # 43 November 8, 2021

Calling All Reservists!

Taiwan, this past week, announced that it will intensify training for all reservists.  Rather than five to seven days of training in alternate years, it will be changed to two weeks of annual training.  The purpose is to improve the combat readiness of the military reservists.

Thinking about God’s army, I don’t think there are reservists.  There is not someone who can train and participate in the warfare with darkness for only a few weeks each year.  Rather, God’s Word calls us to continual vigilance.  1 Cor. 16:13 tells us to: “Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.”

Please be reminded that your participation in our work and in global efforts to give people access to salvation is important.  Your involvement is part of God’s plan in the war over evil.

Reading God’s Word is part of our regimen of ongoing training.  Thank-you for maintaining a state of readiness to do what our Commander asks of us. Thank-you for your prayers for God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Praise and Prayer

  • We are away at a pastor’s retreat this week.  Please pray that God will use the planned activities and the fellowship to encourage and renew the church leaders attending.  There are some pastors who due to the pandemic or other reasons are not able to attend.  Please pray for God to use multiple means to encourage them too.
  • This year for Christmas, the Baozhong Alliance Church is planning some family activities.  Registration is limited.  Please pray that God will lead people with open, prepared hearts to attend.
  • This week we choose to remember the sacrifice of those who fought in wars so that we can experience freedom. Most of us have not experienced the trauma of living in a war zone or fighting a war.  Pray for those who need healing and strength because of these experiences.