2021 Update #16 April 19

It Was Found!

The Taiwanese man thought it was lost forever.  He dropped his iPhone into the lake while paddle boarding.  A year later, because of the current drought, the phone has  been found.  And, after charging, it works! (Story and photo credit)

We all like to read stories like that.  We like to hear of people finding blessing and lost things being found.  It encourages us to have hope.

This news report has made me wonder which stories Jesus would tell if He came and lived with us in this day and age.  Would He still tell the story of the discovery of the perfect pearl?  Would he tell people about the workman discovering the treasure in the field?  Would he tell the stories of the lost sheep and the lost coin?  Or, would He choose another object that present-day people value?

Jesus told those stories to help people see the importance that God places on saving the individual.  He used the stories to communicate people’s need to pursue eternal life.  Please pray with us that as people hear Jesus’s stories, they will understand the value of the life Jesus offers.  Please pray that the Taiwanese working class people will come to experience the life that Jesus offers.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for God to send rain to Taiwan to relieve the drought.  Pray that He will do it in a way that will show the rain is from Him, not because of someone praying to one of the local gods.
  • Praise the Lord that our new bookkeeper is doing well during the training.  Pray for her as she will attempt to do this month’s books on her own, without being told what to do each step of the way.  We are confident that God will help her to succeed.
  • Praise the Lord that we were able to give an Indonesian Bible to Annie.  Pray that her limited Chinese, and limited English, will not stop her from discovering her need for faith in Christ.


2021 Update #15 April 12

A Sign from Heaven

This past week we told the Bible story of the religious leaders asking for a sign from heaven.  They wanted a miracle.  And Jesus responded by telling them to think about the story of Jonah.

It was another opportunity to remind the students about the importance of Jesus’ death and resurrection.

Please pray that the students will understand and remember the Bible stories they are hearing.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for comfort for Gavin’s family.  He went to be with his Saviour last Monday.  The Memorial Service is on Saturday (Apr 17).  Lorne has been asked to say some words of condolence.
  • Please pray for God’s provision and guidance as plans are made for a one-year home assignment beginning July 2021.
  • Please pray that next week’s (Apr 18-25) vacation will be refreshing.
  • Please pray for Lin Mama who fell in her home last Tuesday.  She is currently in a coma in the intensive care ward.  Please pray for her family, many of whom do not believe in Christ as she does.  Pray that God will extend mercy and reduce her suffering.

2021 Update #14 April 5

Multiple Celebrations

As many of you are celebrating Resurrection Day Weekend, the people around us are also enjoying national holidays.  But most are enjoying the Children’s Day celebrations and participating in family activities related to the Clear and Bright Festival (Tomb-Sweeping Day).

This made celebrating Easter feel different this year.  With all the special days happening at the same time, no matter where we went there was an atmosphere of something special happening.  But so little of the emphasis in the community was focussed on Christ.  Few people seemed to be thinking of how He provided salvation for everyone.  Once again the need for them to hear about Jesus was very evident.

The local government sponsored Children’s Day activities on Saturday (4/3).  There was a carnival atmosphere (photo collage) as the young children posed for photos, touched animals that they seldom see, or played games.  And of course there was food to sample and food to buy.  There was a special program in the evening.

Because Sunday was both the the day for remembering family ancestors and also the day for celebrating Christ’s resurrection, our service included time for both.  We began with time for personal reflections about family ancestors, and a pastor led in prayer.  He prayed for families to receive comfort, and for us not to forget the positive example of those who have gone before us.  That was followed by a much longer focus on the celebration of resurrection life, as we remembered Christ being raised from the dead.

The Amazing Grace Alliance Church building was full with members from all three churches.  Pastors from each of the churches participated.  Lorne prayed for the children and officiated at one of the Communion stations.

Thinking back to when we first arrived in Yunlin County, we see that God has been working and His church is being established.  It is yet another proof that Jesus is alive!

Praise and Prayer

  • Thank-you for praying as we taught about Easter last Thursday.  We could see the students were thinking about what they were hearing and seeing.  Please pray the Holy Spirit will lead them forward toward belief in Christ.
  • Praise the Lord that Jenny’s family permitted her to attend Sunday School for the first time in a long time.  Please pray that other children in our community will learn about Christ at an early age, laying a foundation for belief.

2021 Update #13 March 29


This semester, at Baozhong Primary School, we are telling the story of Jesus healing the centurion’s servant.  The story talks about authority.  The centurion has authority to command soldiers and servants.  Jesus demonstrates his authority by speaking and the servant who is in another location is healed.

In the story we catch a glimpse of Jesus’ power, of his greatness.  And yet, this week we also remember that Jesus set aside that authority and power.  He died on the cross.  He left the perfection of heaven to come rescue created human beings.  He humbled himself and was obedient, even to the point of death.

What Jesus did to rescue us from our sins is beyond imagination.  Take some time to reflect on Jesus and what he did.  We will be doing that on this side of the ocean too.

Praise and Prayer

  • We will tell the story of Easter and have related activities in Thursday’s classes (April 1) at Fuhsing Elementary School.  Please pray that the Holy Spirit will use this class to touch students’ and teachers’ lives in a special way.
  • Praise the Lord that our three Yunlin Alliance Churches will have Joint Good Friday and Easter services.
  • On April 4, Taiwan observes the Clear and Bright Festival (also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day).  The traditional religions promote worship of ancestors.  People are taught to ask the spirits of the deceased for blessing and protection.  Pray that Christians will remain strong in their faith in Christ, trusting in God alone.  Pray for their testimony to family members this weekend.

2021 Update #12 March 22

Happy or Not?

A recent study by the United Nations claimed that Taiwan is the 24th happiest nation on earth, and the happiest nation in East Asia.

Canada in comparison, ranked 15th this year.  Do you feel happy?  Did you ever think about  the fact that you may be happier than some others on planet earth?

But back to reporting on Taiwan and its reaction to the news.  Being the happiest nation in East Asia sounds like something to be proud of.

However, the subtitle of the linked newspaper article indicates that Taiwan is NOT so happy about being labelled as a province of Mainland China.  The “mislabelling” has resulted in a sense that the effort and work of the Taiwanese people was not recognized.  The happiness that the report generated appears to have somewhat evaporated.

We all like recognition for what we do.  God does too!  He says He does not want to share his “glory” with others.  He desires to be worshipped for what He does, giving credit where credit is due.

This is one reason that we must be careful to not take credit for something that we have only contributed towards.  We are making the effort to share about Christ with people around us, but ONLY God can save them from their sins. (Isa. 43:11; Ps. 62:1; Acts 4:12)

We are doing many things to help establish a church in Baozhong Township, but ONLY God causes His church to grow. (1 Cor.3:6-7; Col. 2:19; Eph. 4:16)

Will you please join us in praying for Taiwanese working class people to hear the gospel, believe in Christ, and be added to God’s church?

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for God to comfort Chen Mama on the passing of her husband.  She is a senior who regularly attends services at our church.
  • Please pray for Pastor Joshua to be refreshed as he takes some vacation days with his family this week.
  • Please pray for Easter celebration preparations.  We will tell the story of Easter at the April 1 classes in the elementary school.  The three Yunlin Alliance churches will hold Joint Good Friday (April 2) and Easter Worship (April 4) services this year.

2021 Update #11 March 15

"Assistant Bookkeeper" by Timothy Valentine is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0Position Filled

We are happy to announce that the volunteer field bookkeeper position has been filled.  It is not the individual in the photo, but we can report that there is a clear sense that God has directed us in the selection of the individual.

Please pray for us as Lorne works via technology to help her learn the bookkeeping system that is used.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Lorne’s computer is back and working well.
  • Praise the Lord for some new faces in church on Sunday.  Please pray that God will add new people to the Baozhong Alliance Church.
  • Students must take comprehensive exams after High School. The grade obtained determines which colleges the student is eligible to apply to attend.  Please pray for a student from our church who is currently selecting a university for next year.
  • Please pray for God’s leading as the church board makes some important decisions at the meeting next Sunday.

2021 Update #10 March 8


Taking Lorne’s computer in for repairs this last week, we became dependent on backups.  His old computer was still present (yes, it is time to declutter), so it has been pressed into temporary service. After hours of updates (including some frustrating moments when one failed), the computer is being used temporarily.  The external hard drive with more current files is needed.  And, when more up-to-date software was needed, Kathy-Lu’s computer was pressed into service.  Definitely looking forward to the phone call saying the computer is ready for pick up.

We all need backups in our lives.  Sometimes it is technology.  At other times it might be a person.  Occasionally we need a whole team of people. And sometimes it is just a backup plan.  But the most reliable support happens when the technology and the relationships are up-to-date.

We are thinking of backups in another way.  We are planning to return to Canada in July for a one-year home assignment.  While we are away from Taiwan, what roles and what responsibilities need to be covered by someone else?  Please pray for us as we step-by-step plan for those we are working with to have adequate support, enabling them to continue their service to God and to the church.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for the comfort that God is providing to those grieving the passing of loved ones. Another local friend is grieving the recent death of her mother.
  • Our church members have been asked to write short testimonies of how they are experiencing God in their lives.  These will be shared in a denomination quarterly newsletter.  The desire is to strengthen relationships and prayer support within the Taiwan C&MA.  The next issue will, Lord willing, have stories and prayer requests shared by our church.
  • We were made aware yesterday of a couple struggling with employment and relationship issues.  Please pray for wisdom to know how to minister to them.

2021 Update #9 March 1

Passing the Baton

Sitting in the preservice prayer meeting at church yesterday (Feb. 28)  it was exciting to observe how God is raising up capable leaders to serve the church. It is a confirmation that the work is not dependent on us, but rather on the leading of the Spirit.

We have also been sensing that God is encouraging us to adjust our workload and pass some of our leadership responsibilities to younger God-gifted leaders.  After discussion with regional leadership we are beginning the process of transferring the Taiwan Team Leader role to Albert and Elaine Lu.  Please pray as they meet with us many times over the next few months. to talk about the different responsibilities.  We will be encouraging Albert and Elaine to use their God-given gifts to lead the Canadian International Worker Team.

As a part of that transition, Lorne will also be assisting Albert and Elaine to recruit and train a Volunteer Field Bookkeeper.  Please pray for the interview of a potential candidate that will happen on Wednesday.  Please pray that God will help us to have the right team of people to manage field financial resources well.

And, in case your mind jumped to the wrong conclusion, we want to clarify that we are not resigning or retiring at this time.  We plan to continue to serve God in Taiwan, in Baozhong or such a place as God leads.  We are looking forward to focussing on the church work and being supportive followers of Albert and Elaine.

(Photo Credit:  “160916-F-RU983-704” y Official Travis AFB, Calif. is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0)

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for helping us to celebrate Charlie Lin’s life and comfort his family.  Church members from Taichung who know Charlie’s sister also came and helped to share about Christ at Charlie’s funeral.  Please pray for God to comfort in the time after the funeral as they adjust to life in Charlie’s absence.
  • Praise the Lord for a good start to this semester’s English classes.  The students were very engaged as they listened to the story of Jesus calling 12 disciples.
  • Please pray for God to comfort our coworker whose mother went to be with the Lord on Saturday.  Because of Covid-related international travel restrictions, she is not able to travel to be with the family for the celebration of life service.

2021 Update #8 February 22


Traditionally the Lunar New Year celebrations are from New Year’s Day (Feb. 12) until Lantern Festival (Feb. 26).  People continue to extend new year wishes to each other during this time, especially the first time that they meet.

The main street of our town is adorned with lanterns that shine each evening during this celebration period.

The eye, and people’s attention is drawn towards the light. Our prayer is that they will also be drawn to the Light of the World, Jesus.

Praise and Prayer

  • Charlie was called to his heavenly home last Tuesday morning.  Please pray for comfort for his elderly parents and family.  The church will participate in the funeral service on Feb. 27.  (The family service following traditional religious practices starts at 6:30 AM.  The church-led celebration of life will be 7:30~8:00 AM.)  
  • Month-end is always a busy time for us.  In addition to church ministries, there is also the administrative work related to finances.  Please pray we stay healthy.  There is a very contagious flu going through the community.

2021 Update #7 February 15


There is more than one way to look at the picture.  It can be blank due to a lack of ideas, or it can be blank with potential for adding content.

I have been thinking about the Lamb’s Book of Life.  I believe there are still empty pages for writing the names of those who choose to believe in Christ as their Saviour.  The people could reside in Baozhong, or in the place where you live.  The only criteria is the choice to say with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in their heart that God raised Jesus from the dead. Then the Bible tells us that person will be saved and have their name written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

We are praying and hoping for many more names to be written there before Jesus returns as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that as we celebrated the Lunar New Year Holiday, the pace of life has been slower and we were able to rest and relax.  This week–it is back to work!
  • The Bible stories for this semester’s English classes have been chosen.  The next step is preparing the PowerPoint slides and the English learning activities.
  • Please pray for Charlie to draw near to God during this time of immense health challenges.