2024 #38 Oct 14


On this Canadian Thanksgiving Day, we will focus on expressing thanks.

The photo is the Fangyuan Lighthouse that we saw on our day off last week. It is still a working lighthouse. It was built in 1983. It has its own power generator, making it independent to what happens around it.  The light generated can be seen 16.6 nautical miles away. The light emitted shines for five seconds and then goes dark for five seconds. It helps fishing boats safely navigate around the Wanggong Fishing Port.

Scripture tells us to “Give thanks in all circumstances.” (1 Thess 5:18).  Christ-followers are to be emitting gratefulness, just like a lighthouse emits light. It is a part of our testimony to the difference Christ makes in our lives.  We are part of God’s plan to guide people into the safe harbour of His salvation.

  • We are grateful for you! Thank-you for praying faithfully for God’s work in rural Taiwan!
  • We give thanks for church members who faithfully attend church services.
  • We praise God for nudging some less regular attendees to come worship with us this weekend.
  • We are grateful for the opportunity to share Bible stories to children.
  • We give thanks for youth who attend the youth fellowship.
  • We praise God that one young man is taking pre-baptism classes, exploring what it means to follow Christ. (Another young man has indicated that he will attend classes in the new year.)
  • We are thankful for church members who are willing to serve as Board members, guiding the church work in Baozhong.
  • We are thankful for long-term friends in the community and are asking God to lead them to faith in Christ.

These are just a few of the things for which we are grateful. (We only gave you 80 seconds worth. Many more items could have been added to the list.)

Praise and Prayer

  • We were thankful to share God-sighting stories with some coworkers this past week. Being able to share and pray with each other is always a special blessing.
  • We are thankful that the plumber can come this week  and replace the taps on the bathroom sink. We do not need to do it ourselves!
  • We celebrated Thanksgiving with Canadian coworkers last Saturday. Our time together included the ordination service for one of our international workers. We rejoiced with another who had been ordained during the summer.
  • Saturday, Oct 19 is the annual business meeting of the Taiwan C&MA. Members of the Executive Committee are involved in leadership, including some duties to make the load lighter for President Yang who is recovering from major surgery.

2024 #37 Oct 7


Thursday, October 10th, is Taiwan’s National Day. Because it is the tenth day of the tenth month, it is also known as Double Ten Day. The above logo is the 2024 National Day visual theme approved for this year’s celebrations. (courtesy of TVBS)

I thought it would be interesting to look at the 33 instances that the word ‘double’ occurs in the New International Version of the Bible:

  • Josephs brothers took double the money when they travelled to Egypt the second time. (Gen 43)
  • Those who have stolen items are required under the Law to pay back double. (Ex 22)
  • The curtain in the tabernacle in certain places was a double layer. (Ex 26,28, 39)
  • The firstborn son of an unloved wife was to receive a double portion of the inheritance. (Deut 21)
  • A double-edged sword is mentioned. (Jud 3; Ps 149; Prov 5; Heb 4; Rev 1; Rev 2 )
  • Hannah received a double portion of meat from the sacrifice. (1 Sam 1)
  • Elisha requested a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. (2 Kg 2)
  • The skin of Leviathan [possibly a crocodile or a sea dragon] is described to be a double coat of armor. (Job 41)
  • Ambivalent or half-hearted people are described as being double-minded. (Ps 119; Jam 1; Jam 4)
  • The punishment for sins was sometimes described as receiving double from the Lord’s hand. (Is 40; Is 51; Jer 16; Jer 17; Rev 18)
  • The blessings received from the Lord at the time of restoration of Israel are described as being double portions. (Is 61)
  • The fork for pulling meat from the pot is described as being double-pronged. (Ez 40)
  • The Most Holy Place of Ezekiel’s temple had double doors. (Ez 41)
  • Hosea described some people as being guilty of double sin. (Hos 10)
  • Elders who direct the affairs of the church are worthy of double honor. (1 Tim 5)

As Taiwan celebrates this week, may God bless its people with supernatural peace and with a revelation of Himself.

Special Prayer Request

Please pray for healing for Rev. Silas Yang, President of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union. He is currently receiving ongoing medical treatment after emergency surgery. Pray for peace, comfort, and strength for his wife and daughters. (A family member frequently accompanies a patient to provide personal care during hospital stays in Taiwan.)

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for His protection over our area of Taiwan during Typhoon Krathon. The southern and eastern regions of the island received the brunt of the storm. It brought fierce winds and torrential rain that resulted in flooded roads and homes, downed trees, landslides, and over 70,000 power outages. Two deaths and 70 injuries were attributed to the storm. Please pray for God to comfort and to help those who were impacted.
  • A baptismal class began on October 6 at Baozhong Alliance Church. Please pray for the students who are considering expressing their commitment to Christ in this way.
  • Global Gathering: March 1-6, 2025. We are planning to attend. Some friends let us know that they are coming. We’d love for you to write and let us know if you are coming.

2024 #36 Sept 30

Storm Warning

Another tropical storm is approaching our island. Typhoon Krathon predicted to affect our weather on Tuesday and Wednesday. The above graph shows the probability that we will have storm force winds.

The farmers are concerned that the storm winds and rain will damage their crops. It is common to see rice and corn fields flattened after the storm has passed. Facing such hardships is a part of life for many in our community. Please pray that we will have wisdom and the right words to empathize and comfort people as we interact with them.

The storm conditions may require us to make some adjustments in our schedule. If the conditions dictate, we will opt for “Plan B” and have our Wednesday afternoon meeting online.

Sometimes we need to be flexible. We are thankful that God extends sufficient grace to handle the unexpected. And, we know that same grace will be sufficient for you as you meet the unplanned moments in your week.


Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that the computer, sound system, and internet connection are working again.
  • A baptismal class will begin on October 5. Please pray for the students who are considering expressing their commitment to Christ in this way.
  • Global Gathering: March 1-6, 2025. We are planning to attend. Will we see you there?
  • Please pray for the process of saving funds and developing plans for the church to purchase a facility. Pray with us that God will help us to meet this year’s giving goal of CAD$20,000!
  • Peer pressure from family members and friends is one of the obstacles people must overcome as they consider whether to believe in Christ. Others are fearful that the local spirits will be displeased and will seek revenge. Please pray for the love of Christ and the power of the gospel to overcome these hindrances.

2024 #35 Sept 23

Shining in the Darkness

The sign of the Baozhong Alliance Church at night shines in the darkness.

Below it is a television screen with a photo slideshow of church activities. It also shines in the darkness.

But most important is that our lives will shine in the darkness, helping people discover the blessings of having Christ in their lives.

Please pray that we will represent Christ well.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for God to help Sunday School students understand the truths of the gospel that they are being taught.
  • A String-Art Class will be offered for women, starting in October. In addition to doing this craft together, they will have teaching and discussion about de-stressing life. Please pray that this will appeal to the women in the community and that they will register.
  • Even with a newly purchased computer for the church audio-visual system, the difficulties continue. Please pray for Pastor Joshua as he tries to solve the connection problems.
  • Please pray for the process of saving funds and developing plans for the church to purchase a facility.

2024 #34 Sept 16

BBQ Report

The Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as ‘Moon Festival’) is on September 17 this year. Because it is mid-week and people will only get a single day holiday from work, Our church chose to hold a BBQ on Saturday, Sept 14.

The event was a great success! Many students and some families came. A prominent member of our community came and brought his whole family. This is someone we have known for our whole time of living in Baozhong.

You prayed. We invited. People came.

And, the prominent member of the community returned and attended church service the following day.

God did more than we asked for, more than we imagined. Please pray that we will continue to see answers to prayer and evidence of God at work.

Praise and Prayer

  • Seven students are registered to attend the after-school program at our church. We have seen changes in the lives of those who have been regularly participating. Please pray for Christ to continue to help the students know Him and experience life transformation.
  • A String-Art Class will be offered for women, starting in October. In addition to doing this craft together, they will have teaching and discussion about de-stressing life. Please pray that this will appeal to the women in the community and that they will register.
  • Computer and sound system difficulties are being experienced at the elementary school and at the church. Please pray for those working on the problems to be able to resolve them.

2024 #33 Sept 9

BBQ Time!

The Mid-Autumn Festival (also known as ‘Moon Festival’) is on September 17 this year. Because it is mid-week and people will only get a single day holiday from work, churches such as ours are having the BBQ on the previous weekend.

Members of our church, along with us, have been inviting friends to join us for the late afternoon and evening BBQ on Saturday, September 14. Please pray that extended family members and friends will be willing to accept the invitation and to attend.

Other prayer requests for the event include:

  • Please pray for suitable weather.
  • The church building will be used as the location, with electric grills inside and charcoal grills outside. Please pray for everyone to be safe.
  • Much of the preparation is being done by Pastor Joshua. Please pray for stamina as he has many other ministry responsibilities this week.

Thanks for supporting this community event in prayer.

Praise and Prayer

  • The Tuesday through Friday ‘After School Program’ at Baozhong Alliance Church starts this week. Elementary students will use the church building as a safe place for homework, snack, and play. Please pray for Pastor Joshua as he supervises this ministry.
  • On Thursday, September 12, we will begin to teach weekly English classes and tell Bible stories at FuHsing Elementary School. We will be telling stories about Jesus. Thanks for your prayers as we strive to do this well.
  • International political tensions impact the lives of the Taiwanese and us too. Please pray for peaceful relations.


2024 #32 Sept 2


Construction is happening not far from our house. A local resident is erecting a workshop or a factory. Seeing this reminds us of a desire that we have for the church that has been started in Baozhong.

Our church facility is located just up the street from the construction. We have a dream to help the church transition from renting the current building to purchasing a suitable facility for long-term ministry. Similar to our present location, it will need to provide for serving the needs of both the community and the church family. Potential locations have not yet been identified as raising the funds needs to be done first.

It is estimated that a minimum of CAD$350K-400K will be needed to purchase a suitable facility. The responsibility to raise the funds and pay for the building rests with the local church leadership and those attending services. Even with the Taiwan Alliance denomination helping to arrange the financing for such a purchase, it is a major step of faith. Many attendees are from lower income families.

After consulting with The Alliance in Canada Global Missions leaders, we have set a faith goal. We are asking God to provide CAD$100,000 over five years to help the church make a substantial down-payment. A Project Fund has been registered and is ready to receive donations:  Baozhong Alliance Church Facility Project.

We are asking God to supply  CAD$23,000 to be donated towards this project before the end of the calendar year. After administrative costs are assessed, we will reach the faith giving goal of $20,000 for this year.

In accordance with Canadian laws, the funds will be held by the Canadian denomination until the church is ready to make a down-payment on a building purchase.

The Baozhong congregation and some outside donors have already contributed the equivalent of CAD$62,000 towards the building program. We would love to encourage them by informing them of additional funds being donated from the Canadian Alliance constituency.

Would you please pray for God to provide the necessary resources for the building down-payment and purchase?

Donations can be given through the Alliance Canada website and through Canadian Alliance churches.

Praise and Prayer

  • The brother of a Taiwanese sister in Christ passed away suddenly.The Baozhong Alliance Church pastoral staff and some church members from another church will share and sing for 20 minutes at the funeral service on Thursday morning. Please pray for God to comfort the family and friends through that ministry.
  • On Thursday, September 12, we will begin to teach weekly English classes and tell Bible stories at FuHsing Elementary School. We will be telling stories about Jesus. Thanks for your prayers as we strive to do this well.
  • We praise God for an uplifting ordination thanksgiving service for Rev. Ruth Lu-Yang. Please pray for God to bless her, the church where she serves as an assistant pastor, and that many would come to faith as the gospel is shared.
  • Please pray for church members as they invite family and friends to come to the Mid-Autumn Festival BBQ. Pray that people will respond by wanting to come.

2024 #31 August 26

You Are Invited!

We want to take the opportunity to invite you to join us and other international workers at the Global Gathering. The details can be found at https://thealliancecanada.ca/global-gathering/  We would love to have you attend with us!

As a bonus, there will be an opportunity to visit Taiwan for a five-day trip prior to that event.It would be a privilege to host a group of visitors who would like to be introduced to the work that the Canadian International Worker Team is doing in Taiwan.

The Taiwan Trip will include a visit to our site and much, much more. We want to share what God is doing and some of the ways that we are asking God to build His kingdom in Taiwan. If you have been wondering what it is like for us to live overseas in a different culture, this is your opportunity to come and find out.

The number of people our Taiwan Team can host for that trip is limited, so be sure and register early.

If you are interested in attending the Gathering or the trip to Taiwan, please register your interest on the response form on the above website. More information will be sent to you. If you wish, you can also write and let us know. We would like that!

Praise and Prayer

  • Thanks for praying for us. Looking back, we see a productive week. We are sure that was in answer to the prayers of people like you.
  • September 12 we will begin to teach weekly English classes and tell Bible stories at FuHsing Elementary School. We will be telling stories about Jesus. Lorne will be setting some English-learning goals for each class as he prepares this week. Thanks for your prayers as we strive to do this well.
  • The brother of a Taiwanese sister in Christ passed away suddenly. Please pray for God to comfort the family. Pray for our church as we seek to bring comfort to those who do not know Christ as their personal Saviour.
  • The students return to classes at public schools on August 30. The first day is mostly orientation before a full week of classes the following week.

2024 #30 August 19

Managing Finances

We take seriously the task of responsibly allocating the funds that are entrusted to us. This requires us to make faith-sized goals and accurate estimates of the costs that will be incurred.

Yes, it is the annual budget time. Until now we have been focussed on setting realistic goals that require an element of faith if they are to be accomplished. After weeks of dreaming, discussing, and adjusting, we are now ready to create an estimate of what it will cost to accomplish those endeavours.

Thank-you for praying for us this week as we create and submit our part of the budget request. The deadline is Friday, August 23.

Praise and Prayer

  • Our schedule includes a number of meetings this week, focussing on different topics. Each will require wisdom to listen well and respond as needed. Thank-you for praying for us.
  • September 12 we will begin to teach weekly English classes and tell Bible stories at FuHsing Elementary School. We are still selecting themes and scheduling when the different stories will be told. Thanks for your prayers as we strive to do this well.
  • Kathy-Lu is deepening relationships with fifth and sixth grade students. Her hope is to spend time together outside of the classroom so that they can talk about important life topics. Please pray for God to lead in the process. Her hope is to prepare the students to be a part of the youth group when they reach seventh grade.

2024 $29 August 12


Last Tuesday, on our day off, we visited a museum. The special exhibit was selected masterpieces from the British National Gallery in London, England.

There were large numbers of people wishing to view the paintings. Getting to approach them and read the explanation given for each one was initially a challenge. Some of the visitors were not accustomed to lining up, as that courtesy was not a part of Taiwanese culture until more recently.

Each piece in the collection was a completed masterpiece that was valued for specific reasons. Sometimes it was due to the fame of the artist. In other cases it was the composition of the painting or the artist’s use of colour or technique. Each was special in its own unique way.

Ephesians 2:10 describes God as creating a masterpiece in each of our lives. “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” The fact that I am writing this, and you are reading it, indicates that God has not completed the creative work He is doing.

God is using the times that we meet with friends, plan for Fall ministry, or teach a class, to mould us so that we become the people He wants us to be. Please be patient. God is not finished yet!

P.S. Some of you may have heard the news that Doris Brougham passed away and is now in the presence of her Lord. God’s creative work was completed in her life. If you wish to be inspired, or you wish to have a reason to praise God today, we recommend this Christianity Today article. (Google her name and “ORTV” to find additional tributes.)

Praise and Prayer

  • We will begin another year of English teaching and Bible storytelling at FuHsing Elementary School in early September. The exact details are still being arranged, but the work of preparing teaching materials needs to begin now. Thanks for praying for God’s guidance as we select new and previously used teaching aids.
  • We have completed and submitted the first draft of our ministry goals for the next two years. Our Canadian Global Mission Team will meet on August 19 to review each other’s submissions and hear how we are trusting God to help us accomplish those things.
  • August is also budget request month. We must submit a plan along with a request to designate financial resources for the 2025 budget year. The process is somewhat straight forward, but can be time consuming. Please pray for us and the other international workers around the world as we complete this important task.