2020 #26 June 29

Introducing Anna

We want to introduce you to Anna (李映安).  Pastor Joshua and Ilaine are happy parents, and everyone is healthy and doing well.

Ilaine will “sit the month” (坐月子) in the usual Taiwanese tradition.  She will rest for 30 days after the birth, receiving help to care for the infant.  When the time is complete mother and baby will return home to Baozhong.

Steps Forward in Uncertain Times

In these post-Covid days, there are many things we do not know.  It is uncertain what long-term “normal life” will be like.  The temptation is to wait and see how things develop and then decide how to press into the future.  But, we are seeking to be faith-filled, asking God what we should be doing.  Here are some of the answers so far:

  • Fellowship Lunches after service begin next Sunday (7/5)
  • Although our congregation is small, an Advisory Board is being formed to provide a team of leaders for the church
  • Lorne is prayerfully looking for a new opportunity to be involved in the Baozhong community.  He is asking God to help him build new relationships.
  • Albert and Elaine Lu have been commissioned to leave the Baozhong church work to focus on work in Minxiong Township, Chiayi County
  • New initiatives for Vietnamese Diaspora ministry are being developed.  Chinh and Lieu Truong will move in late July and work with Agape Alliance Church to expand this work.
  • Efforts are being made to plan activities so that Canadian international workers can better support each other through prayer and encouragement

We are certain that this list is not complete!  We believe that God has more He wants to do in our lives and the life of His church.  Please pray with us as we seek to be “kingdom-centered” as we press into the summer and fall seasons.

Praise and Prayer

  • Speaking of babies…We are excited that our oldest son Ethan and his wife Jill are expecting their first child in December.  Please pray for them as they prepare for this big event.  Please pray that God will meet their needs, including the need for employment after Covid-related layoffs.  (Hopefully we can keep our feet on the ground as we excitedly wait.)
  • Pray for Pastor Joshua and Ilaine as they celebrate being parents.  Please ask God to help them witness to their extended family, the majority of whom do not yet believe in Christ.  Please ask God to help them to be people of influence as they interact with neighbors near their home.

2020 #25 June 22


It was great to get together as a Taiwan C&MA Mission Family last Monday.  Although still missing a few people, the group included International workers, Global Alliance Professionals, USA Envision Workers, and all their family members.

It was an opportunity to celebrate students who were graduating from high school and Junior High School (Middle School).  We affirmed and prayed for those who are travelling to the USA for home assignment after a term of ministry.  We anticipated the arrival of a coworker returning from Home Assignment.  (She made it back today!)  It was an opportunity to eat together, play together, laugh together, and pray together.

This year many of you have had to sacrifice being together for valued occasions.  Many have had to be creative using drive-through events, and “spaced out” parking lot visits, and online adventures.  We feel very blessed to be in Taiwan where we recently are permitted to once again have such group gatherings.  We wanted to do it so badly, we gathered at personal expense (saving missions dollars for where they are needed).

We are hoping and praying that your days of enforced separation will soon come to an end.

Praise and Prayer

  • We are excitedly waiting the arrival of Pastor Joshua and Ilaine’s baby on June 23.  Please pray for health and safety for them all.
  • Chinh and Lieu Truong are in their final month of full-time Mandarin language study.  Please pray for Chinh as he prepares his first sermon in Chinese.  He will speak at our church on June 28.
  • Summer transitions:  Airline tickets are needed for a graduating high school student.  An apartment must be rented for a couple shifting to a different ministry.  Time is needed to reflect on the past year and dream about the next year.  And we crave the opportunity to rest and be refreshed.  Please pray that God will help us arrange for all those things.

Schedule Highlights

June 24:  Elementary School Graduations – We will attend to congratulate the students whom we have been teaching.

June 25-28: Dragonboat Long Weekend

June 28:  Rev. Chinh Truong will speak at Baozhong Alliance Church.

2020 #24 June 15

The 3½ Hour Trip Abroad

It sounds like something off the TV show “Gilligan’s Island.”  People are being invited to “go abroad for 3.5 hours.”  The newly renovated Songshan Airport in Taipei City has sat relatively unused since February.  With travel restrictions in place, the airport has been mostly deserted.

To bring more patrons to the airport, they are offering one of the best staycations available.  Their slogan reads: “Come to the airport for a fake trip.”  Participants will complete all boarding procedures, have opportunity to shop at Duty Free, check out the newly renovated restaurant, and sit on an aircraft for 15 minutes. There will be a special presentation while on board explaining health safety precautions being taken in a virus-filled world.

The organizers are even offering a special draw so that up to six friends can accompany the winner on the fake trip.

I think that what Jesus offers is much better.  We are given the opportunity along with other believers to experience the abundant life.  It is a staycation in which we are able to experience the Kingdom of God while here on earth.

There is nothing fake about Jesus’ offer.  Why not tell someone about this Taiwanese staycation offer, and also mention what it is like for you to be on a staycation with Jesus.  It might lead to an interesting conversation.

Praise and Prayer

  • We are excitedly waiting the arrival of Pastor Joshua and Ilaine’s baby on June 23.  Please pray for health and safety for their whole family.
  • Chinh and Lieu Truong are in their final month of full-time Mandarin language study.  Please pray for Chinh as he prepares his first sermon in Chinese.  He will speak at our church on June 28.
  • Please pray for creative ways to minister to our friend Sean’s father.  His health difficulties make it hard to sit through a church service.  Pray that the gospel can be shared verbally with him.
  • Thank-you to those who have been able to continue giving toward our support and the support of other international workers around the world.  Giving ito Global Advance Fund is currently about 26% behind budget.  Expenses are being reduced to compensate for the decrease in income.  We are thankful for how God is supplying when so many people have experienced employment instability.  Thank-you for praying with us as we make faith-filled decisions to manage resources.

2020 #23 June 8

Strawberry Pears

The dragon fruit, as this plant is usually called, is an exotic cactus that grows in our part of the world.  The blossoms are some of the largest in the world.  They are about the size of a dinner plate, and only bloom for one night.  Yes, I said that right, they bloom at night.  The photo is the following morning when the flower has closed so that the fruit can begin to grow. (Sorry, I was not there at the right moment.) The flower (when open) has a powerful fragrance that permeates the darkness.

Sometimes God’s creation reminds us of truths from His Word.  We are active, living for Christ in the darkness.  We are only here for a somewhat short life (when compared to eternity).  God’s will for us is to believe in Christ as our Saviour .  Through our life choices and words we are to let others know about the special life available to everyone.

Please pray for us, as we pray for you, that we will be effective in allowing the fragrance of Christ to waft to those around us.

Adjusting Expectations

After further evaluation how an English drama in the Fall might impact other school activities, the principal of Fuhsing Elementary School informed me that the school no longer wishes to attempt this.  We have been asked to continue to use a format similar to what we are currently doing.

We do not usually make a decision about Fall community service time commitments until August, but it is exciting to hear that the principal desires to see this continue.  Please pray for us to find adequate resources to keep the interest of the students.

Praise and Prayer

  • Thank-you for praying for our friend Sean’s father.  He came yesterday with Sean to attend church service.  Please keep praying as we try to follow up and talk with him more.
  • Charlie remains in hospital.  The doctors are treating him to insure that all the infection has been dealt with prior to his release.  Please pray that he will draw close to Christ during this time.
  • Anti-virus measures are being relaxed in Taiwan.  Please pray for wisdom as people are able to be in closer proximity again.
  • As usual, we are making monthly visits to our Canadian international workers colleagues.  Please pray that we will be an encouragement as we meet with each couple.

2020 #22 June 1

Creating the New Normal

Since April 12, Taiwan has not had locally transmitted cases of the virus.  There have been a few new cases, but all are classified as imported.  Imported cases are Taiwanese or resident permit holders who return to Taiwan from other countries where they were infected.  All arriving passengers must have a 14-day quarantine.  Those who are infected may need to do their isolation in a government-approved facility.

Because this is the situation in Taiwan, the government is adjusting the containment protocols.  There are instructions from the central (national) government and additional requirements from the local governments.  Some begin today (June 1) and others begin June 7.  Still others will be phased in gradually. (That is what the news report above is explaining.)

Although the opportunity to not wear a mask in public is exciting to think about, we still need to be sensitive to those around us who have varying levels of comfort at this time.  Not everyone feels safe.

The church hopes to begin our fellowship lunches after worship services in July.  Other activities must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.  Please pray for wisdom as church leaders make these decisions.

Praise and Prayer

  • URGENT!  Please pray for our friend Sean’s father.  He is getting weaker.  He does not yet know Jesus as his Saviour.  Sean is going to try and arrange a visit so that we can share with his Dad about Jesus.
  • Praise the Lord that Charlie’s health is much improved and he is now able to recuperate in a regular hospital ward.  Please continue to pray that this experience will help him draw closer to Christ.

2020 #21 May 25

Zone of Silence

Stopping at a rest stop on the freeway, I took my snack purchase to one of the tables.  It is there that I discovered the newly designed method for physical distancing while eating.  A divider has been installed down the middle of the table, and a sticker on the divider states: “This is a non-speaking zone.”

In a culture where eating together is an important part of doing relationship, a new barrier has arisen between people.

With the cleaning staff walking to and fro between the tables, who would dare to ignore such a warning.

Created to communicate with each other and with God, people suddenly find themselves in a non-speaking zone.  Communication is hindered.

There are also things that interfere with our communication with God.  Scripture mentions a number of heart attitudes and behaviours that separate us from God, thwarting our attempts to talk with God.

Did you think of the ten blocks to prayer that are mentioned in this article?

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Amazing Grace Alliance Church is taking the next steps in having the visiting pastoral couple (mentioned last week) appointed as the church’s new pastor.
  • Please pray for Charlie who is comatose in ICU due to a serious infection.  Please pray for healing and that God will speak to him in a special way during this time.
  • Please pray for our MK high school graduates.  We are delighted to celebrate with Melody Truong on Friday.  Please pray for her and others as the Covid-world is a difficult place to live, study, and work.  Pray that God will provide for her and others like her.


2020 #20 May 18

The Team

It was a privilege this past week to gather with other Alliance international workers for fellowship and prayer.

Hearing testimonies of how God has provided in the past and praying for one another is an important way that we work together.  We are thankful for the team of people God has brought to Taiwan.

Please pray that we will have Holy Spirit anointing that will give us boldness to do what God desires to see done.

Please pray that spiritual strongholds will be pulled down in Jesus name and be replaced by Christ-exalting new habits.

Pray for many more Taiwanese working class people to be added to God’s Kingdom.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Lorne was able to preach at Amazing Grace Alliance Church (5/17).  Please pray for God’s clear leading as a pastoral candidate couple will visit that church next weekend.
  • Praise the Lord for opportunities to tell Bible stories in Schools.  Because of the epidemic it is difficult (seemingly impossible) to invite the students to come to Sunday School. Please pray for a spiritual breakthrough that will permit more opportunity to disciple the students.
  • International workers who plan to travel to North America in the summer are finding it difficult to make travel arrangements that are not later cancelled by the airlines.  Please pray for God to provide.

2020 #19 May 11

Mothers and Children

Mother’s Day this year is memorable because it stands out from the celebrations of other years.  We have all had to be more creative this year to make the mothers we know feel special.

Rather than ordering a large cake for everyone to share, each mother who attended our worship service received their own individually wrapped piece of cake. The children were pleased to present that and a small gift to the mothers who were present.  Mothers who did not attend but who are a part of our fellowship received a special delivery later in the day.

Honouring mothers is just one of the ways that we live out Colossians 3:17 “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Lin Mama was able to return home on Saturday where she continues to recover from her surgery.
  • Praise the Lord for opportunities to communicate with and try to bless some church members who have not been attending recently.  Please pray that God will grant them grace where needed in their lives.
  • Praise the Lord for opportunities to affirm mothers this past weekend and pray blessings on them.  If you are one of those special people, we pray God’s favor and peace upon you.
  • Praise the Lord that the meetings last Wednesday went well.  There are developing partnerships to expand Vietnamese Diaspora ministry in Taiwan.

2020 #18 May 4

The Place was Shaken

Lorne preached from Acts 4:23-31.  After the believer’s prayer, the place shook (earthquake-like) and the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit so that they witnessed boldly.

The worship service finished and after a few minutes break prayer meeting began.  Only a few minutes into the meeting, there was a significant earthquake.  Everyone could not help but think of the passage of Scripture that we had just been studying.

God has our attention.  Now the questions that come to mind are:

  1. Are we ready for the filling of the Holy Spirit?
  2. Are we ready to boldly proclaim Christ?

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for Lin Mama who continues to recover after surgery.
  • Please pray for those facing difficult economic times due to the virus epidemic.  Pray that they will put their hope in God.
  • Please pray for those with whom we are meeting weekly.  Pray that God will reveal to them their need for His love.
  • Lorne and Chinh will meet with church leaders in Chungli to discuss partnership in Vietnamese Diaspora Ministry.  Please pray for God’s clear leading as we plan together.

Thank-you to those who have given generously to our support.  Thank-you for your sacrificial commitment to help people hear about Jesus.  For those wishing to participate in this way, please designate your gift to : Lorne and Kathy-Lu’s Support

2020 #17 April 27


The number of students attending Sunday School is not large.  But the dedication of the teachers showed this last Saturday as they took time to attend the Sunday School workers training session.

The Fuhsing Alliance Church (in Greater Taipei) sent some of their teachers to provide a training time for teachers from our church and one other nearby Alliance church.  The workshop included the explaining of their teaching goals, how scheduling is done,  possible preparation methods, and available online resources.  Their sharing was very well received.

And, from our church’s viewpoint, the teachers seemed to be greatly encouraged.  Because of the training there may be some creative additions to what they are currently doing.  Our hope is that they are all affirmed and feel the Lord’s pleasure with the foundation they have already laid.

The biggest challenge facing our church’s Sunday School ministry is the need for more students.  With some planned transitions, and one student entering junior high school in the Fall, that will leave one elementary aged boy as a regular attender.

Would you pray with us that God will provide some more elementary age students to come and learn about being a Christ-follower?

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for Lin Mama who is recovering from surgery.
  • Please pray for those facing difficult economic times due to the virus epidemic.  Pray that they will discover new ways to put their hope in God.
  • Please pray for those with whom we are meeting weekly.  Pray that God will reveal to them their need for His love.