2020 #7 Feb 17

Weighing Options

A suitcase we purchased has a scale in the handle to help the user know the approximate weight while packing.  But often, we find life is different than packing the suitcase.  Some decisions we make seem heavier and more important than they really are.  Others appear to be light, but need extra allowance in our time, thinking, and prayer before a wise option can be found.

As we work with short-term teams that are planning to come in the summer months, we find ourselves being challenged by the options available, and some options that seem to not be available.  Please pray for us and our colleagues to have wisdom from God as we consider:

  • Due to the current epidemic and the efforts of government leaders to contain it, the school year will now continue until July 15.  This means summer camps planned for July need to be rescheduled or maybe cancelled for this year.  “God, what should we do?”
  • Travel plans for teams must be adjusted to fit a new schedule.  However there is a cost involved.  Should we design a different partnership experience for them to allow them to keep the original itinerary, or should we ask them to consider paying the additional cost?  “God, how should we manage the resources you provide?”
  • The uncertainty of how long the epidemic will last weighs on our hearts.  How many more will become sick?  Should the risk influence our decisions, and if so how much?  “God, what does it mean to trust you in the midst of this uncertainty?”

Thank-you for praying for these and other decisions.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for travelling safety as we attend the Infusion Leadership Training.
  • Please pray that God will help us discern His will as we are taught new skills for leading others.
  • Please pray for God’s protection over international workers in our region, especially those who live close to the location where the Novel Coronavirus epidemic originated.

2020 #6 Feb 10

Come and Gone, Not Forgotten

The short-term team has departed for home and other places.  But there were memorable moments throughout the week.  Even Kathy-Lu and Lorne learned some things they did not know previously.

  • We all learned about the Operation Dawn.  Both the Dawn Rehabilitation Program to help addicts and the Dawn Spiritual Training Center for equipping workers have influenced Pastor Joshua’s life.  He volunteers each week in the program, helping others who struggle in the rehabilitation process.
  • The nearby C&MA church plants were visited and the pastors shared.  We prayed at each location.  One church was facing uncertainty about how long they could keep meeting in their current location.  That was one of the requests we prayed about.  Yesterday we received word that the owner is donating the building to the church.  God answers prayer!
  • We visited the homes of a couple of people, listened to their stories, shared, and prayed together.
  • There were meals together.  They were able to pray with some of the owners and servers at the locations where food was purchased.

Our thoughts are full of these and many other memories.  The times of praying together are something we cherish.  It is something we wish we could do more often.  Our recollection is that each time people come and pray with us here in Taiwan, shortly after we see breakthroughs in one area or another.  Prayer is the work!

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for travelling safety for the team.
  • Please pray for preparations for the Infusion Training sessions.  On Wednesday (Feb 12) we will have a video call with a regional leader to debrief two types of assessments.  Those assessments and the ensuing explanations will help us better understand how we relate to the Body of Christ and the strengths we bring to team working relationships.
  • Please pray for God’s protection over international workers in our region, especially those who live close to the location where the Novel Coronavirus epidemic originated.

2020 #5 Feb 3

Plans are Changing

The short-term team has arrived.  BUT on the day they arrived the government issued an order cancelling all activities at schools.  The decision is an effort by the political leaders to protect people from contracting the coronavirus flu.  Following that directive, we have cancelled the Elementary School Camp scheduled to begin Monday Feb. 3.  It is a disappointment for everyone.

This decision means the plan for what the short-term team would do while visiiting us is now changing.  The focus will now be to show various ministries being done in Taiwan.  The hope is that God will use this to make clear how our partnership with their church might step up to the next level.  Does God only want them to help us with camps, or is there something else they can become involved in?

We do not know what God is planning for this week, but we are excitedly anticipating that He has something special planned for all of us.

Please pray for God’s protection as we explore God’s will together.

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray for opportunities to witness for Christ in the midst of the flu epidemic here in East Asia.  (So far, Taiwan has less cases than many of the surrounding countries.)
  • Please pray for safety as we do more driving with the short-term team than was originally planned.  Pray that God will use the prayer times and what we see to help us dream about future developments for our partnership.
  • Pray that international workers in our region will have wisdom to know how to be safe during this epidemic.  Pray for God’s protection.

2020 #4 Jan 27

Lunar New Year Blessings

We have noticed that many TV programs about the Lunar New Year celebrations include a list of taboos.  There are many things that people are told to avoid.  Many of the taboos are daily habits expected of people on any other day of the year (such as cleaning and sweeping).  These things are banned so that “bad luck” will not fall on the individual or their family.

We are thankful that we live in the context of grace.  God extends grace so that we receive what we do not deserve.  We are called to be people who extend grace to others.  It is for that reason that we have been intentional to send Scriptural Blessings to people this year.

The above blessing is one example.  We are sending this blessing above to you!  May you experience God’s grace in a new deeper way this year.

Praise and Prayer

Please pray for the final preparations for the Elementary School Winter Camp (Feb. 3-7) .

  • 47 students pre-registered.
  • A short-term team from Victoria Chinese Alliance arrives on Friday (Jan 31).
  • The theme is: “The Good Shepherd.”
  • We will be busy!  Pray for the energy needed.
  • For hearts that are open to hear truth and respond

2020 #3 Jan 20

Lunar New Year

Our town, similar to some other places nearby, is celebrating the Lunar New Year with a Lantern Festival.  The lanterns along the main street will shine at night from January 17 – February 9.  (The traditional Lantern Festival Day is on Feb. 9 this year.)

The Lunar New Year is an important time for families to be together.  Because of the importance of family reunions, Lunar New Year is now the largest annual migration of people.  People from many East Asian nations participate.

This year, we invite you to join us in praying that God will extend grace to the members of our church, allowing each of them to have favorable opportunities to be people of influence among family and friends.  As they imitate Christ, may they be witnesses for him using both words and actions.

Praise and Prayer

  • Pastors, their families, and some church leaders will gather January 20 for the Annual End of Lunar Year Meal.  We will attend the celebrations. The day following, there will be a retreat for all the C&MA pastors and their families.  Please pray that the time together will be used of God to strengthen and encourage each other.
  • Praise the Lord the registration for the Elementary School Winter Camp (Feb. 3-7) is now close to 50 students.  This is an increase from last year.  We know from the past that some may choose to not come due to last minute circumstances.  We are praying for God to prepare each student’s heart for the truths they will hear.
  • Please pray for safe and uneventful travel for the short-term team coming from Victoria Chinese Alliance Church to teach at the camp.

2020 #2 Jan 13

New Year, New Focus

Pastor Joshua has been leading us to focus on a new theme for the next two years.  If you find reading Chinese difficult, the meaning is:  “Leaving the Past and Entering Canaan, Becoming Disciples and Preaching the Gospel.”

We will teach from the Bible passages in Exodus and Acts.

It is exciting to reflect on being transformed to live in God’s Kingdom, and how to be a true Biblical disciple.

Praise and Prayer

  • The cleaning begins!  Taiwanese use the Lunar New Year preparation time to do major cleaning.  Houses will be cleaned inside and out.  There is a church work day to clean windows, walls, floors, and anything else that needs cleaning. There is much to be done before January 25,  Please pray that people will insure that they are spiritually “clean.”
  • Praise the Lord for a peaceful election.  President  Tsai was re-elected.  Her political party continues to have a majority in the legislature.
  • Praise the Lord for 37 students registered for the Elementary School Winter Camp.  Pray for God to prepare their hearts for the truths they will hear.

There are still many Taiwanese who have not heard about Jesus.  Worldwide, there are many other people groups who need to hear the good news of the gospel. Thank-you for praying and providing financial support so that we can participate in efforts to help people hear before Jesus returns.

2020 #1 Jan 6

Finishing Well

People frequently encourage us to finish well and to think of the legacy we are leaving the next generations.  This year, a friend gave us a notebook to record some of the stories we want to pass along to our children and grandchildren.

So did we finish 2019 well?  We want to think of the things we did, but also the things that God did.  Here are just a few of the things we can celebrate:

  • Pastor Joshua had asked God for two new church members to be added in 2019.  God gave us 6!  He gave us three times more than we asked!
  • We want to pass the baton – transfer leadership responsibilities to to Pastor Joshua.  We are excited to see the ways he is assuming more leadership and how he is becoming the people’s pastor.  So God is answering that prayer!
  • Lorne had hoped to lose a little bit of weight–it did not happen.  So that hope gets dragged forward into 2020.
  • We asked God for opportunities to talk with children and adults about faith in Christ.  Each of the moments when that happened were exciting!
  • We saw amazing answers to prayer as you joined us in praying.  You are part of the story of our lives!

God is faithful and helped us to see some forward movement in 2019.  Praise God!

Starting Well
As Christians we do not make resolutions, but rather in prayer ask God to help us set helpful,  realistic, and faith-filled goals;

  • Pastor Joshua challenged us to pray asking God to give us at least two families to be added to the church in 2020.  Will you pray and trust with us?  Wouldn’t it be spectacular if God gave us more than we ask?  He is a Generous God.
  • The church service schedule has been adjusted.  Prayer meeting will be on the first Sunday of the month.  Yesterday we had 70% of the adults who attend our church stay for prayer meeting!  (Two were away because their child is in the hospital, and two were with family.)  Praise God for a good start to the new year!
  • We are enjoying the special opportunity to smother our grandchildren with love.  They are with us to celebrate Epiphany.  We have many photos and even more cherished memories of the times we are spending together. (The photo is them looking at the puzzle they did to help us remember the true meaning of Christmas.)
  • We are anticipating many opportunities to talk with people about Jesus.  It might be in the English classroom, the Sunday School Classroom, Winter Camp, or when we meet individuals in our everyday lives.

God does not change.  We believe He will continue to be faithfully generous.  Thank-you for trusting Him to do things in our lives, in our church, and in your own life!  We join you in praying for these things.

Praise and Prayer

  • Please pray for healing for some church members who have physical sickness and medical conditions.
  • Please pray for wisdom for a church member who is seeking to be a peacemaker in the office where he works.
  • Please pray for the preparations for the Elementary School Winter Camp.  Pray for more registrations from the community.
  • Pray for opportunities to talk about Jesus.  We will have many opportunities to talk and laugh with people as they prepare for Chinese New Year (Jan 25 this year).
  • For each of us to have a fresh encounter with God’s grace as we begin a new year.

2019 December 16

Answers to prayer

Thank-you for praying for our Christmas event last Saturday evening.  Each of the things we asked you to join us in praying, all happened.

Over 100 people attended, many who do not usually attend church.

The young people from the church in Taipei were dressed as toys for the skit.  Those who attended seemed to enjoy the evening.

It was a fun evening.  Those who attended heard Pastor Joshua share what it means to believe in Jesus and ask Him to be the Lord of our lives.  And, the children were excited to leave with the gift of a toy.

Praise and Prayer

  • Dec. 21 – Christmas at the Nursing Home:  There will be Christmas songs.  Ilaine (Pastor Joshua’s wife) will give her testimony.  We want to take Christmas joy with us as we help the seniors learn about Jesus.
  • Promotion for the Winter Camp for elementary students has begun.  Please pray that God will help those planning to attend to have hearts that are open to His truths.

“Thank you for your care and support throughout 2019.  Your giving to GAF allows our presence to bring access to Jesus where few or none have heard.  Your prayer strengthens us in His work.  We truly couldn’t do this without you.”

2019 December 9

Toy’s Party

Thank-you for taking time this week to pray for our Christmas event on Saturday evening.  The theme is:  Toy’s Party.  Things you can pray for include:

  • Recently the evenings have been very cold.  Please pray that the cold front will move on and we will have good weather that day.
  • Please pray that the short-term team will be healthy and filled with joy as they serve.
  • Please pray that many parents will bring their children.  Some of the students are excitedly asking their parents to attend.
  • Please pray for Pastor Joshua as he manages the many details of the event and also shares that evening.
  • Please pray for each church member to experience the enabling of the Holy Spirit and that they will have courage to talk with those who attend.

Praise and Prayer

  • Dec. 21 – Christmas at the Nursing Home:  The plans are still being made.  There will be Christmas songs, testimonies, and Christmas joy as we help the seniors learn about Jesus.  Please pray that church members will be able to find time in their busy schedules to participate.
  • Please pray for those grieving the absence of loved ones. Christmas is sometimes a difficult time as their memories cause them to intensely miss those who are not with them

2019 December 2

Christmas Fun

After the worship service on Dec. 1, we had lunch together followed by prayer meeting.  THEN, the church members took over and decorated the building for celebrating Christmas.  What fun it was to see their efforts and to hear their laughter.

This year, we will have two outreach events in the Christmas season:

  • Dec. 14 – Toy’s Party:  A group of young adults from Fuhsing Alliance Church will come to help.  The program will include singing, a skit, a message from Pastor Joshua, gifts, refreshments.  Our church members are prepared to talk to those interested in knowing more about believing in Jesus.  Please pray for suitable weather, good health for all participants, and wisdom for Pastor Joshua as he manages the final arrangements.
  • Dec. 21 – Christmas at the Nursing Home:  The plans are still being made.  There will be Christmas songs, testimonies, and Christmas joy as we help the seniors learn about Jesus.  Please pray that church members will be able to find time in their busy schedules to participate.

Praise and Prayer

  • Thank-you to those who have prayed for Lorne’s father’s health.  The good news is that he is being released from the hospital and is heading home.  Praise God with us for this exciting result.
  • Praise the Lord that three students from the elementary school attended Sunday School yesterday.  Please pray that even more will choose to come.
  • Fall weather has arrived.  With the temperature fluctuations it is easy to catch colds.  Also, the air quality has been poor, creating allergy-type reactions.  Please pray we will all remain healthy.

Schedule Highlights

  • Dec 5:  Prayer Meeting with the Baozhong Ministerial
  • Dec 6:  English teaching and Bible storytelling at  two elementary schools.
  • Dec 8:  Pastor Albert will speak at Baozhong Alliance Church from John 17  –  “Eternal Life”
  • Dec 14:  Toy’s Party:  a church-sponsored family Christmas event
  • Dec 21:  Christmas at the Nursing HomeDec 22:  Christmas Worship Service and Baptism