2024 #24 July 8


Praise the Lord for a good week of camp!

  • The weather was good–maybe a little bit too hot, but it did not rain during camp.
  • The teachers all worked well as a team, helping each other and helping the students learn about God.
  • The sixth graders who had just graduated elementary school forgot that the junior high school (middle school) would require them to attend orientation classes. So, although they had preregistered for camp, they were unable to attend. This meant that we had less students than expected.
  • Those who attended had lots of enjoyment.
  • The students loved the music, and participated well in the singing and doing the actions. Songs included: (1) “Lift My Eyes to the Hills“; (2) “Light of the World“; (3) “The Grape Vine Branches“.
  • There were 22 visitors (students and their family members) who attended the Friday evening meal at the church after the conclusion of the camp.

Thank-you for praying!

Praise and Prayer

  • When you receive this update, we are attending the denomination annual “Holistic Growth Camp.” Church members from around the island will attend. The group going from our church includes people who have not yet made the decision to be committed Christ-followers. Pray that all of us would grow in faith as a result of the camp.
  • The friend with the health crisis (that we asked you to pray for last week) has been called to his heavenly home. Please pray for God to comfort the family.

2024 #23 July 1

God Loves Baozhong!

The map graphic above says in Chinese: “God Loves Baozhong Township!”

We are thankful to George McFall (a TEAM international worker who promotes prayer for our area of Taiwan) for his work in creating this.

A few of the evidences of God’s love that we are seeing:

  • Short-term workers are coming to Baozhong to help our church hold a DVBS-style day camp for elementary students (July 1-5).
  • The preparation for camp English-teaching that we are responsible to oversee and participate is done. We think we are ready.
  • Each month, two Christ-followers come from Taichung to Baozhong to help with visitation and stay overnight to worship with us on Sunday morning.
  • The visitation team was able to visit a home and pray with an elderly member of the family.
  • Our church is able to use donated food to bless some needy families in our community.
  • The mother of the church member mentioned in last week’s letter had a successful procedure at the hospital and was able to return home on Wednesday. We  continue to pray for her salvation.
  • Our church’s women’s fellowship enjoyed a trip to a DIY tie-dyeing tourism shop. The group included someone who is still becoming acquainted with the church and what we believe.

Join us in praising God for his work in Baozhong, and ask Him to do more!

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Lorne was able to meet with Mr Lin and talk about what the Bible says about prayer. Pray for him as he seeks to learn more about how to communicate with God.
  • One of our Canadian Global Missions leaders is having a health crisis. Please pray for Him and for his family. They ask us to pray for God to get glory through this. And, we pray for his complete healing.
  • Romans 1:16 is one verse that speaks of the power of the gospel to change lives and to change culture. Please pray for people to hear and accept the good news about Jesus.

2024 #22 June 24

Field Forum Report

Field Forum created many memories:

  • The church did have air conditioning–so Lorne learned that he had believed someone’s joke prior to attending the Field Forum.
  • The speaker, James Chung, shared about “The Gospel Changes Everything.”
  • The Taitung Alliance Church joined us for supper and worship on Wednesday evening. (photo) Young people from the church led the worship.
  • Our international worker team is multi-ethnic. People shared about their families of origin and how the gospel has transformed their personal cultural views to become Christ-centered.
  • We enjoyed the foods, the sights, and the experiences we had in Taitung.
  • A few international workers who attended are recovering from the Covid virus that also attended. So far, Kathy-Lu and Lorne are symptom-free and hoping to stay that way.
  • One couple travelled by train. They returned home safely. A later train was trapped in a tunnel by a rock slide. We praise God for protecting our coworkers. We have also pray for those who faced the trauma of being trapped in the tunnel.

Thank-you for praying for us all!

Praise and Prayer

  • Preparation is the focus for this week. Supplies will be purchased, English lessons tweaked, and guest rooms cleaned. The teaching team will arrive on Sunday, and camp starts Monday, July 1. Please pray for God to help us with the many remaining tasks.
  • Three students who attend our church have graduated from elementary school and will be going to orientation sessions at the junior high schools (middle schools). Please pray for them as they transition to their new learning environments. Pray that they will continue to be open to coming to church events. Our desire is to see them go deeper in a relationship with Christ.
  • The mother of a church member is in hospital. Please pray for the family.

2024 #21 June 17


It was a privilege to attend the graduation of Taiwan Alliance Theological College and see Jennifer Hu graduate with her Master of Biblical Studies degree.

Jennifer is the daughter of the first pastor we worked with after language study, about 32 years ago. Jennifer trained as a nurse after high school. It is only in the last few years that she has sensed a call to be a pastor.  She will begin as an assistant pastor to her father, in the church where she grew up.

What a privilege to witness the work God is doing in the lives of some people whom we have known for a very long time.

Please pray for Jennifer and other seminary graduates who will begin serving in different roles within God’s kingdom.

Praise and Prayer

  • Things do not always happen as planned. The Friday afternoon Bible reading was cancelled because Mr. Lin was sick. Please pray for his recovery and for people to continue to want to read God’s Word.
  • We will attend Field Forum. June 17-21. Meetings will be held at the Taitung Alliance Church.  The prediction is for very hot weather, and the church building is not air conditioned. Please pray that the heat will not affect our ability to concentrate on the strategic discussions that are planned. Pray for safety as most team members will drive at least 4 hours (each way) to attend.

2024 #20 June 10

A Festive Time

The Dragonboat Festival on Monday, June 10. Traditional sticky rice dumplings, like the one above, are commonly eaten on this holiday.

Because the name of our town is a homonym (sounds similar) for the phrase for wrapping this kind of dumpling, Baozhong uses the day as an annual day of celebration. This year;s event was on the Saturday of the long weekend. After three years of Covid-cancellations, people were excited to gather again. There was a festive atmosphere.

Afternoon activities included DIY handcrafts, booths selling premade handcrafts and foods, educational displays by the health and fire departments, and a place to sign up for the raffle draw at the evening program.

The evening included FuHsing Elementary School students performing a flower-drum dance, the local middle school presenting a lion-dance, acrobatics, music, speeches by politicians, and the draws for a large number of prizes. (We admit that we did not endure to the end, so may have missed mentioning something.)

It was a good time to meet people and see some friends.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord that Rev. Wilson Tran went visiting with Lorne this past Monday, and was able to lead an elderly neighbour in a prayer to accept Christ as Saviour.
  • Praise the Lord that two additional people joined the Friday afternoon Bible reading session at the local coffee shop. One person was a baptized believer and the other is a seeker. They mentioned they want to join us and read next time (Friday, June 14).
  • There are 32 elementary students registered for the July 1-5 Camp. The theme is “Who Am I?” and will include five lessons about who God is. Please pray for the 14 leaders and 3 helpers as they make preparations. Pray that God will help us to serve well, demonstrating His love in the way we serve.

2024 #19 June 3

Friends Visit

We have been privileged to host Rev. Wilson Tran and his wife Irene at our home this weekend.

Lorne worked with them when he was the Field Team Leader 2003-2005. There are lots of memories of what God did as we partnered together in ministry.

It was a privilege to show them our town and take them to visit other Alliance churches being started in our area of Taiwan.

Dr. Irene Tran shared from Psalm 103 in the Sunday morning service. Among the many things that were shared, she challenged us to pray in the following ways for those who are not yet Christ-followers:

  1. Ask the Lord to give people repentant hearts and the gift of forgiveness for confessed sin. (Acts 5:31)
  2. Ask the Lord to give people a capacity for clear thinking, so that they can understand the gospel. (Luke 24:45)
  3. In Christ’s name break down the strongholds that prevent people from believing in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Will you this week pray in these ways and as God directs for the people of our town that do not yet know Christ as their Saviour and Lord?

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for the rains that are replenishing the water in the reservoirs. Please pray for those that are struggling with flooding when the water is unable to quickly drain away.
  • Praise the Lord that Lorne is once again able to meet with MengRu for Bible Study on Fridays. Please pray that God will protect the time from interruptions and from needing to cancel this time together.
  • Next weekend is a long weekend for the Dragon Boat Festival. The Chinese pronunciation for wrapping the three-sided dumplings is similar to the sound of the name of the town where we live. It is often a time for visiting with local residents and celebrating together. Please pray that we will be salt and light in the conversations we have during that time.

2024 #18 May 27

Out of Gas

Saturday evening, we suddenly found ourselves without power. A few minutes later, the lights came back on at our house and a few of the neighbours’ houses. But most of the subdivision continued to be in darkness. That did not last long as we once again joined those who were sitting in darkness.

When things like that happen, neighbours will frequently go out onto the lane and talk to each other. People made sure that the outage was reported to the power company. And there was visiting, in the dark, on the street. The only light was from a passing vehicle or a few mobile phone flashlights.

Pastor Lee contacted us and requested that a  weekend guest could come and stay in our guestroom. We welcomed her. We stood in front of our house laughing with the Lee family about the fact that we still had hot water at our house. That was because we still use a propane water heater, and have not upgraded to an electric unit (like they have at the church and at Pastor Lee’s house). Everyone said that they would be over in the morning for showers if the power was still not available..

Our guest came and showered, expressing thanks to us and to God for hot water. We all went to bed slightly earlier than usual because of the lack of electric lights. And, of course, had to get up a couple hours later to turn off the lights when the power was restored.

Sunday morning, Lorne was the last to shower. And the water turned cooler and cooler. The propane was used up. But, we were very thankful there was sufficient for our guest to use. And, we will easily have a replacement tank delivered to our house.

God’s provision is enough. In Philippians 4, Paul could be content with the provision of God in Christ Jesus even while in prison and while he was prevented from travelling to preach the gospel. He was confident that God would provide for all our needs, so that we too can be content through trust in and reliance on Christ. I think God wants us to be content even when we run out of propane gas.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for a peaceful inauguration of Taiwan’s newly elected President last week. The Thursday-Friday military maneuvers of our large neighbour placed Taiwan’s military forces on high alert. But we experienced God’s peace in our hearts in the midst of it all.
  • Next Sunday, Dr. Irene Tran will share her testimony at our church. God has protected her and helped her over the past few years as she has battled cancer. The large number of medical appointments and invitations to share in various venues has resulted in many people hearing the gospel. Please pray that God will speak through her to draw people to Christ. May God use her (and Rev. Wilson Tran) to encourage our small church.

2024 #17 May 20

Camp News

Elementary Summer Day Camp is scheduled for July 1-5. Once again we will use the Fuhsing Elementary School facilities.

The theme for this year’s camp is “Who am I?” and will include the following stories”

  • Monday: John 14:6 Jesus is the Way, the Truth, the Life
  • Tuesday: John 6:35,51  Jesus is the Bread of Life
  • Wednesday: John 10:11,14 Jesus is the Good Shepherd
  • Thursday: John 10:7, 9 Jesus is the Door of the Sheep Pen
  • Fri: Exod 3:24  God is the I AM

Praise the Lord we have found three additional English teachers to help that week. Please pray for Nathan, Laura, Jon, Kathy-Lu and Lorne as we plan English lessons that will be taught that week.

Pastor Joshua and our intern Kai will teach songs. Pastor Joshua will also tell the Bible Stories.
The pastor and some volunteers from Living Water Alliance Church in Greater Taipei will assist in leading other camp activities.

Please pray for the registration process and for the plans that are being made.

Praise and Prayer

  • Monday, May 20 is the inauguration of Taiwan’s newly elected President. Please pray for regional peace and for Taiwan’s elected officials to work well together for the good of the nation.
  • Praise the Lord that many students continue to attend Sunday School. Most come to learn and actively participate. Please pray that the Sunday School teachers will discover an effective way to engage a small group of boys who regularly act in ways that are disruptive during the class time.
  • The Ladies’ Fellowship will meet on Saturday, May 25. Please pray that God will use their time together to encourage each other in their Christian lives.

2024 #16 May 13

Mother’s Day

We are thankful for this year’s Mother’s Day celebration at Baozhong Alliance. We had a number of parents attend with their children.

Before going to Sunday School, the students participated in the service by singing and doing the actions to a song about love originating with God. Lorne helped Kathy-Lu with Sunday School because there were 14 students.

While the students were in Sunday School, Pastor Ho shared with the adults from the Bible and her own experiences about a mother’s love.

It was a special day! We hope and pray that God will give more opportunities with today’s attendees, helping them learn more about Christ Jesus.

Praise and Prayer

  • Praise the Lord for opportunities to encourage some Christian believers at a local coffee shop. Please pray for them to grow in faith and for them to be able to witness to their coworkers.
  • Please pray for us as we prepare and then teach on Thursday at Fuhsing Elementary School. This will be our first class after our vacation in Canada.
  • Please pray for those who came to church sponsored events this past weekend. For some, it was the first time to attend a church function. Please pray that they will remember truths they heard and will desire to learn more.
  • Registration for the summer camps being offered for elementary students begins this week. Please pray that students will be permitted to attend. The first camp is July 1-5. We will soon share more details about the plans.

2024 #15 May 6

Interactive Activities

The Baozhong Alliance Church is inviting members of the community to participate in activities sponsored by the church. The first of eight parent-child clay modelling classes happened last Saturday.

A class teaching how to use essential oils and massage techniques will be offered on the Saturday before Mother’s Day.

Please pray for God to help Pastor Joshua with the promotion of the interactive activities. We are hoping to establish and deepen relationships with people in the community. Our hope is that we can share and learn from each other. Attendees will be invited to participate in other church activities.

Praise and Prayer

  • After being away for more than a month, we are spending time talking to friends in the community. Please pray that we will navigate friendship relationships well, representing Christ in ways the please Him.
  • Baozhong Alliance Church is praying about its future location. There is hope that the church will not need to pay rent indefinitely. People are praying and some have designated giving toward a future facility that will be owned by the church.  Please pray for God provide the resources and the timing of this.
  • Additional praise items:
    • There was no damage from the earthquake at our home.
    • Attendees at the rally learned about communicating with youth.